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Filters 1.24

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Xilefian submitted a new resource:

Filters - Scene_Map and Scene_Battle screen-space Filters.

Also includes support for custom Scene_Menu background filters.

Inbuilt Filters:
  • color_matrix { "matrix":[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1] }
  • gray { "gray":1 }
  • pixelate { "size":{ "x":10, "y":10 } }
  • blur_x { "blur":2 }
  • blur_y { "blur":2 }
  • blur { "blur":2, "blurX":2, "blurY":2 }
  • invert { "invert":1 }
  • sepia { "sepia":1 }
  • twist { "offset":{ "x":0.5, "y":0.5 }, "radius":0.5, "angle":5 }
  • color_step { "step":5 }
  • dot_screen { "scale":1,...
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This could add some serious options for cut scenes. Nice xD
The filters carry over between maps, battles, etc so it isn't just limited to specific scenes. You can do something like full-screen colour correction (make a sewer glow ambient green, or a lava-scene glow ambient red).

One of the examples I wrote is a "brush" filter - which I intend to release with Filter Pack 1 (it's in the preview video above) - which is incredibly similar to the brush effect that The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword uses, so someone could make a game with a "painterly" art-style.

Could even cool do things like when damage is received the pixelate or blur filter is applied so the screen fuzzes briefly (the RGB split filter is good for this, demonstrated in the video with the demon on the left).

Next version will support ambient animated filters, so you can have desert scenes with heat-waves emanating or an underwater scene with refraction.

Cut-scenes is just one use-case out of a myriad of uses.


Praised Adventurer
Yeah, I figured it'd be far more than just cut scenes, but that's one of the best examples for it's purposes xP. But yeah, it could add a crap ton of freedom for screen effects like you say. Btw, I don't see any "terms of use" for these anywhere. If you have specific ones, you may want to put those out there so people know.

I will definitely look forward to that ambient animated one! I love animated stuff, and that would be awesome to see.


Here's a preview of a basic animated filter;

This uses a uTime property, which is auto-updated by the Filter plugin to store the lifetime of the current filter, so can be used for animation.

It also showcases the ability to use custom sampler images now, which are handled by the individual filter rather than as an inbuilt type (so in this example the filter expects a string and uses the string to locate the image, which is a refraction map).

Next version will also fix some critical bugs (black/incorrect menu background for some scenes, menu filters reapplying during menu navigation).


Praised Adventurer
Looks good xP. I don't understand a single thing you said other than it will appear animated lmao. I'm not a scripter or such by any means so have no idea what any of that refers to. I've worked a lot with Photoshop and filters there so I know the basic concept behind it all, but yeah. That would work extremely well for something like "looking through a waterfall" or just a smoky appearance from fog or something like that.

It's good that you're putting time and effort into fixing the bugs you run into as well, always a plus to see that! Looking forward to it lol.


Xilefian updated Filters with a new update entry:

Big bug fixes, animation support and additional uniform types.

List of changes;
  • Added uTime shader uniform for tracking filter life time.
  • Added support for additional uniform types.
  • Fixed Menu background bitmaps reverting/changing to black in some scenes.
  • Fixed actors not appearing with side-view battle system.
  • Battle animations are now affected by Filters.
Video of animated filters in effect + sampler uniform support;
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Xilefian updated Filters with a new update entry:

Global Options

This adds a "Filter" section to Scene_Options - which can be configured in the Plugin preferences.

The list of options is space separated JSON entries;
{"name":"2x Pixelate","filter":"pixelate","prepare":{"size":{"x":2,"y":2 }}} {"name":"54 Colours","filter":"color_step","prepare":{"step":3.779}}

The default global filter is then set by the name (such as 2x Pixelate).
No animations occur, these are instantly set.

Right now there's also no order checking so it will be applied at the top of...
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This is awesome, thanks for working on this!
I'd like to ask, is there a way to apply the filter to Menus and Messages as well?
So basically the entire game is put through a filter? I can make this a feature for the next version, but I'd rather keep it simple (like perhaps a Global Filter setting in the Plugin options).

I'll look into it. I'm sure it's possible because it's easier to apply effects to everything than it is to single out individual elements. If it's possible then you can expect an update soon.


So basically the entire game is put through a filter? I can make this a feature for the next version, but I'd rather keep it simple (like perhaps a Global Filter setting in the Plugin options).

I'll look into it. I'm sure it's possible because it's easier to apply effects to everything than it is to single out individual elements. If it's possible then you can expect an update soon.
That's great, thanks man! I'll be looking forward to it.


Xilefian updated Filters with a new update entry:

Game-wide Global Filter is now a Plugin setting.

This is entirely basic and simple; this is a Plugin setting that will change the entire game filter (windows, text and everything) as if it were a full post-process operation.

The format is: filter_name {"json":data}

So as an example, to make your entire project 2x pixelated you'd use the setting; pixelate { "size" : { "x" : 2, "y" : 2 } }

There's no API for interacting with this global filter at the moment and no plans to add one.
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can you tell me how to make effect in the second video? thank you
That is achieved with a custom Filter. Do you have JavaScript experience?

A custom Filter inherits the AbstractFilter PIXI object, the one in video 2 has a sampler uniform and the shader uses that to displace the pixels, causing the refraction effect.

I will eventually write a tutorial for writing custom Filters, but if you're willing to wait this refraction Filter is going to be part of the first Filter Pack which I am currently creating.


That is achieved with a custom Filter. Do you have JavaScript experience?

A custom Filter inherits the AbstractFilter PIXI object, the one in video 2 has a sampler uniform and the shader uses that to displace the pixels, causing the refraction effect.

I will eventually write a tutorial for writing custom Filters, but if you're willing to wait this refraction Filter is going to be part of the first Filter Pack which I am currently creating.
Sorry,My english is poor.Thank you very much,I'm very interst in your work. I really look forward your tutorial.


I've got another question. Could it be somehow possible to apply two Global Filters at once?
Again, this is possible with custom Filters. The blur Filter is an example of 2 Filters being applied at once (Both blur_x and blur_y).

I'll write that tutorial now for everyone (I was in Paris for a couple of days just now so haven't been around to write it).

Here's a tutorial;
JS experience (and GLSL experience) highly recommended.

@lmd0013 I included a refraction shader for you within this tutorial (Refract.js)
@Detective I included an example multi-pass shader for you within this tutorial (Retro.js)

@lmd0013 To use this refraction shader as-is you need a .png texture in the Pictures folder then you need to set the JSON property of { "refractMap" : "my_texture_file" } - note the lack of .png or pictures in the name of the refract map here. Do this in the prepare stage to set the refraction texture prior to any interpolation you do.

Filter prepare refract my_filter {"refractMap":"my_picture","strength":1,"speed":{"x":0,"y":0.11}}
This should instantly begin the effect when executed (Filter execute my_filter). You can interpolate strength from 0 to 1 if you want to fade in a refraction (speed too if you want).
A good refraction image with this specific GLSL would be a near-grey noise pattern. Here's one I made for that video;

The mapping format is RGB with multiplied alpha in the B component (R, G, B * A). The B component becomes strength, RG becomes direction (with 0.5 being zero, 0.0 being -1, 1.0 being +1).
If in doubt, use the normal mapping feature of GIMP. Also, the alpha channel is important so keep that!
And finally, the texture is flipped upside-down. This is a bug in RPG Maker MV (they seem to be new to OpenGL). This can be resolved in GLSL, but I haven't done that here.

If you know all that then you can do crazy things such as;
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