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New to the MV community


Yes, glad that many of the community can scout out some of the odd places in the artwork. I thought I was the only one who knew. Oh well, It makes me happy to see others with keen eyes. Hope to chat with everyone here soon when I have the time to. Twelve Hour work days do take a toll on you fast.


I literally prefer working on projects both ways. When you are self-aware of your prefer working style, digital drawing clearly has a different feel than traditional yet carries the same essence. If you do not practice both, you will diminish some skills on one side. A good example of this is traditional water-coloring versus digitize water-coloring. You will always find one to be easier than the other. I am not sure if this statement make any sense to those who are reading this. Sometime when I communicate with others, many take it on a different level. It may as well be how I word it or there is simply not enough exciting details. Feel free to make your own judgement and take it to heart.


Starting a little art shop in the forum, it wouldn't be bad at all. It is just a matter of when. Please don't expect me to start working on pixel art. I clearly have not try that form of as of late so its going to take some time getting use to the creative process. Meeting like minded artist(s) who has in interest in the art field will actually benefit me as well. Not to mention writers and programmers too. I am always learning something new so please motivate me as soon as you can. If not, you do not have to if you do not want to. Just a small suggestion. Peace.


Praised Adventurer
It usually takes an artist to see flaws in others' work lol. That's the case most of the time anyway. It's still good though regardless. The fun part of starting your own shop on forums is that you get to decide how you do it lol not others. So stick with the styles you know you can do well if you do that.


Do you think you would do art that would work for a visual novel?
It depends on the subject of the work you want of course. Characters or Backgrounds? I will try to help out with what I can at the moment since I've never work on visual novels before. This will be fun for me.

Pray that I am not the only artist up for this task.

It usually takes an artist to see flaws in others' work lol. That's the case most of the time anyway. It's still good though regardless. The fun part of starting your own shop on forums is that you get to decide how you do it lol not others. So stick with the styles you know you can do well if you do that.
Sweet, my own art directions. I have always wanted to be an art director but reality doesn't work the way we wanted to. This may be my chance to shine. Who knows.


Praised Adventurer
I could do visual novel stuff myself, but coloring those take an absurd amount of time for just one scene. That's the type of work I myself wouldn't do for free lol. But that's me. If you feel comfortable enough to try different styles, nothing bad can come from the experience that's for sure xP.

Who says you can't be an art director? It's the internet, you can be who you want to be here lol so long as you have the will and determination/inspiration to do it. You could also do something like making video tutorials on some of your personal art styles. I've seen many do that on Youtube and in a way that in itself is directing art. Now doing it for a game, that's the big stuff and the best part of it too!


Praised Adventurer
Such encouraging words from the Jack of Trades.
Well, jack of everything except programming, but there wasn't an option for that LOL. I do know basics so guess I can still qualify in that a little too xP. But it's true. Be who you wanna be, there's always a way and with even the smallest amount of skill comes a future full of flawless works.


@jagvang, yes, it would be characters and backgrounds. I don't have a full idea yet of what I would want to do for a visual novel, or how I'd go about programming, but it's something I thought I'd ask about in case I can work it out.