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The Real You picture threddo!

Bizarre Monkey

Biz, you have to be the biggest camwhore I know. I think the worst part is you look better in your worst picture than I do in my best. Keep up the good work, you are the true face of this forum.
1S TH1S M3??

I guess since I posted on this thread I have to upload a picture of myself...
Wow I did not expect you to look like that!

Like, you don't look bad or anything I just imagined something entirely different!

Now who's this silly muppet wearing shades inside??

>Photo might be over three years old.


Praised Adventurer
Wow I did not expect you to look like that!

Like, you don't look bad or anything I just imagined something entirely different!
Actually, you're not the first person to say that to me. I have also been told that I sound different than what people expect, so I guess I'm just a freak, though that isn't anything new. Did you expect me to look a bit more like my avatar or something?

Bizarre Monkey

I always got a vibe from you that you were older, so I imagined someone with sharp facial hair in their mid 20's.

And not my mid 20's where I look like I'm in my mid teens instead.

Bizarre Monkey

I still stand by my opinion. Bow ties are cool. And definitely better than ugly sweaters, @Amysaurus! :P
Cure me of my bad fashion sense, o' great bowtied one.

But! As it turns out, you are both wrong.

Hoodies is where it's at.
I have no shame admitting I have more hoodies than sweaters and skirts combined.

And I have quite a few skirts, funnily enough! Couple dresses, too.

I don't have any bow ties. I'm an aquarius so I naturally have an incline to wearing scarves and sashes instead.

Ravani Lestari

Towns Guard
EDIT: So I suppose I'll just go ahead and say it, since I will probably stick to these boards for a long time anyways. I'm trans male to female, so I hope that is cool with you guys. lol
So yup.
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Staff member
EDIT: So I suppose I'll just go ahead and say it, since I will probably stick to these boards for a long time anyways. I'm trans male to female, so I hope that is cool with you guys. lol
So yup.
That is OK with me. People yearn to throw stones at this and throw stones at that. People yearn to try to get a tiny speck out of this person's eye and that person's eye. The whole time, it is they who have a big old piece of plywood blocking their whole vision. Yes, that's me paraphrasing the person I preach the most about. It is all about the heart, not about the mind. @Ravani Lestari , you are who you are. It is none of our jobs to say otherwise. Be blessed and be full of joy. (smile)


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
I always knew we were a pretty diverse community. And I'm really happy to see that people are being so open about it. Just be sure not to shove it into other people's faces - that could backfire. I'm bisexual myself, but I don't go around telling people that I am. And honestly, most of the time, I don't think people deserve to know that anyway. You guys are special though. (heart)

Anyway... here's something I dug up. Proof that I was always an adorable little fella (and that my face pretty much hasn't changed in 20 years). (cat)

And yes, that's a scan of an old photo. :P

Bizarre Monkey

EDIT: So I suppose I'll just go ahead and say it, since I will probably stick to these boards for a long time anyways. I'm trans male to female, so I hope that is cool with you guys. lol
So yup.
That's fine by me. I'm on the fence about the same, myself. Every time I look in the mirror, I see a girl, and I like that. Whether I feel strongly enough to go all the way, or stay in the genderfluid limbo, I'm not sure... that's the thing I'm on the fence about.

Student Card
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Ravani Lestari

Towns Guard
That's fine by me. I'm on the fence about the same, myself. Every time I look in the mirror, I see a girl, and I like that. Whether I feel strongly enough to go all the way, or stay in the genderfluid limbo, I'm not sure... that's the thing I'm on the fence about.
You know, I like the middle I am at right now as well. I have decided that I will transition, though my friends say that I'd be more of a tomboy than anything, which is something I can agree with. I'm just not giddy, jumpy, or energetic like people think girls are supposed to be. I am not as affectionate either, which is why I'm in a relationship where we don't need to be around each other 24/7. I've just always been this way.

I'm not the girl I see in the mirror yet, but i'm in no real hurry, because I'll have more time to prepare for it. As long as you are enjoying yourself every day, that is what counts. Too many trans people are not happy because they are just waiting for their transitions to happen.

Bizarre Monkey

The party never eeeennnnds!~

@raymi100: You remind me of myself, a figment of my past.

A past lead by insanity.
A n d * p h o t o g e n o c i d a l * g e s t u r e s * o f * e x p r e s s i o n .
I can still make this face.
Just long hair makes it looks less goofy and more...
Well, I'm not gracing it with a description.
Unfortunately, my camera is currently missing a functional 'connect a thing to the thing' cable because I recently crushed the last one like a mad dunce, so I'll have to get a replacement.

Alcha Emy

Towns Guard
The real me eh? Emmm, well I'm a made up character sooo ya this IS the real me XD I mean if ya wanna see the whole thing then BAM:
And my creator...well he's kind of ugly as yuck, his face breaks mirrors so trust me you don't wanna see that!

AJ ( AKA her creator ): T~T