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THE BIGGEST DEBATE: Pirates or Ninjas

Which Side?

  • Pirates

  • Ninjas

Results are only viewable after voting.


Staff member
This topic has divided families and has splintered friendship, but someone has to do it, so let it be me. It is the grandest debate of all. Both sides are fervent about their positions. There are no prisoners. there are no take backs. And begins.

Pirates or Ninjas?

NOTE: Choices put in alphabetical order to show impartiality. (sure) :)


Staff member
Hmm, I'd say...

On land - Ninjas
On sea - Pirates
Sorry @Macro , it is like casting a vote in the booth...there is only one button/image that can be pressed. If you press one, and then press another, it takes the last one pressed. Nice attempt to be middle ground though. (cute)


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
I say pirates, mostly because the time period (for stereotypical ones) is more fascinating to me, and I grew up reading pirate stories all of the time. :)


Staff member
Let's just say that I, in a joking kind of way, showed my great disapproval of one of my son's new shirts. It had the "N" word on it....Ninja. I told everyone, "Y'all know this is a Pro-Pirate household."


Funny enough I have zero interest in Naruto or One Piece. Too unrealistic for me.

I like the honorable ninjas and how they can move in the shadows. I also don't like being trapped on a huge ship. I really don't believe in ninja suicide though. So I'd make a bad ninja. Being a pirate seems easier though.


Dragon Goddess
I'd definitely be a pirate. I'm not stealthy at all and tend to make a lot of noise--I also love money, but I don't think I'd want to steal from nice people. I'd be a nice pirate, probably a sky pirate.

Yeah, I'd run a shady flight business and offer people rides for $$$$. I'd also make sure I had a monopoly on it! ha ha, I don't know.

EDIT: My vote was a tie-breaker! Go Pirates!


Staff member
Google Search:
Famous Pirates 3.3 million results Pirates 171 million results
Famous Ninjas 0.7 million results Ninjas 85.7 million results