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This Monkey thinks he arteh.

Bizarre Monkey

It's a mystery, a spooky mystery.

So I actually began writing a romantic can-fic about Fyori and Esperia last night, non-pornographic this time!

Today I began drawing it as a comic, it's all in the draft stages for now. But it's adorable as ... well something really adorable!
Here's a couple previews.

Here's all the current 19. Got some typos and errors to fix up.
I also had some more fun with Mack's looseleaf generator today.

Also a nice traditional piece depicting the Serazai
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Bizarre Monkey

I got inspired to art last night and made this piece of Sacre - blu.
All That Was Sacred...
While making a pickup in the City today, I drew a small comic I'd had in my head for a while now while on the train.
Guilt of the Past

Treksi HD Render

Traced from an enlarged version of her MSpaint look.
I forgot/moreover chose not to add the british flags on her dress, but here's Nola after her ascension.
The Wake of Nightmare Returns

Had this image in my head for a while, specifically how I'd do the wings.

Very happy with the turn out. Drawn / colored in about 2 hours. Sai + Photoshop.
Sorry, I keep doing art. D:
Disciple of the Devil

Depiction of Pep against the final boss of I314, delving into his hero-mode the last time it'll matter.
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Bizarre Monkey

Been a while, huh?

Like Kratos if the comparison fits well of course ^^
Hahaha, wow no I don't think it does, but it depends on what in particular is being compared, too!

The Serazai lookin friggin amazing. Nice design!
I can't take all the credit, it was Xiie's idea to have the wing-pod things.

Though you'll be pleased to know, I've done another image of the Serazai
Shield of Feathers

She's such a cheeky lil' bugger.
So I got in a mood to draw spooky shit.

Gif edition.
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Bizarre Monkey

Thanks. Gotta give props to UT for the inspiration.
Troll and Trolled

Depiction of the uh...INTERESTING! encounter with Safael and Galdath, they're one hell of a team!

As in Hell is all that team has in store for them.
The World Shaper

"Long ago I made a choice, that should mortals manage to betray fate, that I would aid them in whatever good cause they sought to accomplish. But... I didn't account for my own fears. I am sorry for what follows, for I cannot support you. Don't look up to me like I'm brave, look down on me, that's what a coward like myself deserves.
It was nice while it lasted, old friends."

*Safael summons his Sceptre of the Four Winds.*
"Farewell." ~Safael leveling with the heroes during the 314th Clash.
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Dragon Goddess
that Shield of Feathers pic is so cool! love the coloring (omg her wings are my favorite color (heart))

great works, Biz!

Bizarre Monkey

Thanks Micro! Blue is my favorite color, too!
He believes in you!

A cropped version of this will soon be my avatar, EVERYWHERE!!! The transition is ongoing.
Alright, I'm proud of these. They aren't colored or anything, but the expressions are so adorable.

In other news.
Maiden of Blood

It's a body edit and recolor of shield of feathers.
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You're getting better and better man! Keep at it!

BTW, have you seen Draw with Jazza on Youtube? Guy has some serious tips on improving one's drawing skills. I like to watch his stuff for encouragement and help on different things (especially his one on hands because I am terribad at them lol).

Bizarre Monkey

No, but that sounds cool, so I'll be sure to check it out.

Meanwhile, here's a box art, all by me sans the Fyori up the top left (by PJCR) and background to some extent. (I made the street part by using the SF battlebacks from MV)

Also from that I made an action Pose for Tristy or two.

And her Techie-rang. (Basically it's a futuristic boomerang.)

Finally, here's a quick rough Yasondre sketch I had to make for something while I was still super tired.
[doublepost=1452808550,1452549172][/doublepost]Sometimes I go into art with no eagerness to do super well, such is the Yasondre above.

However, sometimes this will happen.
Well over-impressed me to myself. Jesus!
[doublepost=1453290386][/doublepost]So some silly fella spoiled the images in my last post but not all the others coz i dunno maybe he was wearing pants on his head or something, but all old content is now spoilerified! Thanks silly fella with pants on his head??

So sillyness aside here begin some new arts, or art... really. Most of the stuff I drawn this week has been NSFW but there are exceptions, so now we got this green weedy girl holding an apple like she's Eris or something.
Miracle of Life

Wooowhey glad I didn't spend even an hour on this 'cause it look like shiieet!
Tune in next few days for some other pieces hopefully!
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Nice vibrant coloring style on the last one, love the greens. That technie-rang is also made of pure win! Don't see enough 'rangs in games anymore.

Bizarre Monkey

Ah hell no seems I'm torn between which version of this new piece to use for the Album art of Presence of Mind. I mean I can use both coz we got another track incoming way later called "Mercy's Off the Table" which is a Big Blu battle theme so I'll probably use the less filter-heavy one for Presence of Mind then the hyperdeath starscape one for Mercy's Off The Table.

Anyway here we go. Keep in mind I'll spoiler these the moment they out of date so don't worry jollybones you don't gotta do nothing just leave it all to the Biz.
Presence of Mind

Mercy's Off the Table
No one could be prepared... no one even knew Biz could animate frame by frame, or sprite beyond edits and frankens.

No one is ready for this.

But here this is.

I made the background by mashing up MV defaults.

Nola Sprite by PJcr, I did the wings and edited for the the floating animation.

Yeah I've gotta move the player cast animations down.
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Since you can already draw pretty well, I didn't doubt one bit. :)

The new sprites look awesome. Curious how Limbo and Pep will look in battle. Rolly's and Trist's animations fit well as both idle and attack.

Do you plan on spiffing up the bottom party window as well?

Bizarre Monkey

Probably not, the intent is for the data to be legible, not pretty.

The Windowskin as a whole however, will likely receive an update before too long.

One final note on the expressions above, Rolly's lack of eyes and deadpan expression is designed with the album art interpretations that draw Rolly like that in mind.

Here's the new necropolis vessel I drew for use. Putting to rest one of the final legal doozy's visual side.
Death Shuttle

Here's the old terrible one which is more or less a model from wow posterized/blurred to make ugly and terriblbub.

Oh and also!


Rolly's old boss. keep forgetting I drew it. He will be a new boss in Intelligence, in Act 3.
New piece. Really happy with the turn out!
The Fable Druid
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Bizarre Monkey

Here's an image I drew of Corporation XVI.

I: Pjcr -Catalyst Invisible- Founding Member, uses silence to calm noise.
II: Xiie -Radiant Seraph- Founding Member, her devotion is her weapon, her zeal is her shield.
III: Aku -Unformed Silhouette- Shapeshifter with a power too gaudy to wield.
IV: Gon -Voguish Prodigy- Time is always on his side, he's calculated it that way past-tense and all the way until future-predestination.
V: Peva -Forsaken Heart- Sad all the time, uses his inability to find love to shatter hope.
VI: Basil -Unsung Centurion- Faith is his shield, loyalty is his weapon.
VII: Notte -Manifest Inexistence- Uses the power over nothing to be a driving force towards everything.
VIII: Andi -Machine of Vitriol- Distills valor with vim of his own, uses magic to overwhelm his foes.
IX: Zeirt -Judgement of Souls- Uses the laws of everything to void anything.
X: Kurtis -Messenger of Fate- With Rubix cube in hand, has powers over the laws of probability.
XI: Jake -Bard of Destiny- Duel-wielding hand-pianos, has the power to rewrite history through music.
XII: Biz -Impetus of Chaos- One breath can be all he draws to change fate's wheel, his impetuous susurrations are known to many, yet understood by few.
XIII: Mitch -Messiah of Faith- Uses sound to alter the silent and the sentient.
XIV: Usagi -Macrocosm's Unlock- Wields a fearsome power over the earth, in contrast to a bubbly personality.
XV: Amy -Bloodletter of Inevitability- Her sharp knives overtaken by a sharper temper, and an unnervingly calm countenance.

I have wasted another portion of my life on another sans/Pep crossover.

I am officially an Undertale trash. ;_;

who can't even draw thumbs on the right side of the hand jfc
Update! Will spoil old shit ASAP. :0

Art I did of Bubbles, The Grim Reaper.
_'d TT `*

WIP Sketch of Tristy as an 8 year old.
We can trust each other, right?

I am aware her feet need work and she needs a tail.

This may show up in PFC if we're lucky!
The Tira Misa

Clearly it's a reference to the Mona Lisa. It'd be Pep's Grandmother. Bunch of info about her here.

Very rough draft for a new gameover scene in Intelligence: 314th Clash.
But it wasn't enough.

Some more edgy art.
Angelus Reus Irae

Album art I did for a track of the same name. It's latin for "Angel Guilty of Anger".

The set is complete.
Tristy Ascended Battler

Might update the wings some, we'll see.

Crackshipping two of my friends. Both of which are girls.
Zeirt and Xiie sittin' in a tree.

Was actually made in response to post somewhere.

A site I dwell in where I became a moderator has become fun to make jokes about my bizness.
Where are all the knives?

Featuring my friends Johnny and Shin beyond my monkey self, of course.

Perverted Sintimentality

Proudly based on a real conversation I had with one of my good friends.

Finally, some TV's and Tech-screens I made bases of from scratch. Some of the screens are from scratch, some not.
The Weight of the World places itself upon your shoulders.
Defeat will now result in a Game Over.
But through Resolve, Perseverance, Trust and Laughter.
Success and savior is only a small hop away.

~A forlorn voice.

But it wasn't enough...

The new gameover screen for Intelligence: 314th Clash.
[doublepost=1458190529,1457528647][/doublepost]New piece.
The Wizard who saw your hands.

The character depicted is a character in the up and coming game Release (NNF), the one who is stagnantly aware of the greater force leading everything, he's fully cognizant of the Player, and recognizes their role. The title of the piece refers to what he sees of the player, which is hands on a keyboard and a face. But the face is not what controls, it's the hands.

"You think I was blind? I know what you did...
Made puppets of us all-- But not me.
I let you entertain a childish fantasy. So I could see just how far you would go... and, well--


There's only one way you're leaving this game...

<initiates a spooky cinematic before fake-bluescreening, windows boots up like usual, however your desktop is replaced by a black desktop, and the icon and text "Play Release" is at the bottom. On double clicking, no feedback or response is given, now aware of the illusion, the player will press alt-tab.
Screen changes to game loading screen, replaced with the spooky torn smiley I've yet to draw. after a bit this glitches out, the screen is slashed in two and Wizard is revealed behind...>


<the mouse is frozen, no inputs work, as Wizard contemplatively looks at you with eyes telling of both disgust and disheartment. suddenly, his blue eyes fade into black holes.
"It's too late for you, I've decided you are not fit to be an impetus of cause in our universe."

<suddenly, you get your familiar back, and are able to engage him on rationale terms>
"Very clever... it's sickening that you'd use my own companion against me, to "win the game"... heh. Not like I'd put it past a sicko like you.

But you forgot, didn't you? YOU LOST THE MOMENT YOU LOST YOUR MORALITY."

"There's no happy endings for a monster like you."
<epic boss music starts>
"You're only possible feeling of triumph will be in achieving victory in this entirely pointless battle."
<epic battle begins>
[doublepost=1458245518][/doublepost]Sacred Blue

Yeah my creativity with names was on meltdown so I just went with that.
[doublepost=1458304080][/doublepost]Grace of the Goddess

Now I have made something I am proud of.


I feel like I've been watching your artwork for a while now, Monkey.

You've definitely improved. Very definitely.

How often do you use the eraser when drawing? The best artists are comfortable with erasing large sections if they see something about it looks weird.

Another cool technique that's easy with digital art is mirroring. I see this done a lot these days. Basically every now and then mirror your entire drawing; you get comfortable seeing it in the same angle so you no longer see the oddities that stand out. By mirroring it, you're seeing your image in the eyes of someone who's looking at it for the first time.