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Dragon Goddess
okay, I think there's not a thread about this yet, and it was something I started to wonder about! so here we are...

Other than making RPG Maker games, what are your hobbies?

I love writing stories, designing new characters, watching anime, playing video games and chatting with new people. sometimes, I also like to read mythology, or stories pertaining to dragons.

How about you guys? (cool)


Being a Jack of All, I tend to dabble in a lot of things, but have a hard time mastering a skill. I've touched in drawing (usually just anime style), fixing computers, making music, modding in games, translating/learning Japanese/Chinese, raising birds, web page building, graphic editing, studying medicine, video editing, and recently i even started with some cooking. The list goes on and on, but the main thing I'm not into at all is sports. I really need to choose a specialization. >_<

My list is really long but my favorite hobby is easily playing video games and making macros for anything I can think of, to make my computing experience more relaxing. xD


I enjoy (but don't always have time for)...

Anime (tho I'm much more picky than I used to be), playing games (skewing toward older games and less of them these days), movies, working out, reading, hiking, playing with my kids (not a hobby but I do it a lot lol), and board games where I get to be with people. Oh, and I'm trying to get back into art. Sad I haven't done much of it in a long time, heh.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Well, aside from RPG Maker I'm also into music. Big shock, right? :P
I do not only enjoy composing but also performing and singing. I'm a huge fan of musicals and I'd love to be in one some time. Other than that I play video games, watch TV shows and movies and do a little bit of working out here and there. Oh, and for 2016 I've planned on finally learning how to play the piano so I guess that's gonna be a hobby of mine, too. XD


Studious Dark Lord
Hmm other than Rpg Maker? Well I like to sing, play video games, play board games, watch anime, draw anime, watch YouTube, I love writing poems and short stories, but mainly I love to act... I know it's weird, but I can imagine myself in any place I want, the dream sets in, and I'm throwing imaginary fireballs or fighting off thousands of rabid orcs (HUGE IMAGINATION). In fact I used to be in LARP (Live Action Role Play) because of my huge imagination...

Actually my school tried putting me in genius classes because my imagination is so huge... they showed me ink blot tests and I could imagine anything within them... Sooooo basically I'm just a weirdo that is into art design, musical knowledge, creating stories in my head, and all in all creating my own little universe...

If you couldn't already tell... I'm a nerd...


I used to like to sing, but then my voice cracked and that was that. T_T I still hum a lot though, hmm hmm hmm ♪


Praised Adventurer
I've always enjoyed tinkering with a computer, both hardware and software. I suppose I can call gaming a hobby, though I find myself playing them less and less lately. I enjoy playing the piano. Then there's collecting wallpapers. I've always loved wallpapers.


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Outside of RM, I enjoy making pixel art and traditional art! Are we shocked? I'm not shocked. : |

Besides the obvious, I enjoy baking, tutoring my little brother with his schoolwork (1st grade is tough! Today we worked on his handwriting~), and singing. I may end up trying to find a choir group over the summer, because I do miss performing. I also want to get back into making stained glass projects really soon!


Towns Guard
Kendo and Judo, my sensei keeps trying to get me to learn Kenpo as well but I don't want to lol.
People usually only see my academic side talking about algorithms this, data structures that, and essentially tutoring my own classmates and it's always funny when they find out I'm actually a huge martial arts nut.

Anime as well, though that's more boring. :U
I am into many things. Research, philosophy, Mythology. I like to write a little. Music is a big one. I haven't dabbled with my DAW in some time (CPU constraints), I love listening to and sometimes creating. I haven't played as much since throwing myself headlong into RM again, Magic: The Gathering is a game I am quite fond of. The only thing that gets me a bit competitive, too. :)
Hmm, I am fairly entrenched in politics, though I don't really pick a wing of the American Eagle to represent myself. My political philosophy is quite a bit more deep and nuanced than that offered by any 2 Party system that I have ever seen. I like Science Fiction, especially Phillip K Dick, any Cyberpunk and post apocalyptic.
I like anime, but it has to be astoundingly well done and not have a highschool protagonist, barring limited (VERY limited) situations.
The only movies I really find myself enjoying any more are indy or super low budget. They tend to offer more in the way of creativity and ingenuity, to me at least. Sometimes the hardest part for me is just getting past the atrocious acting, but sometimes they aren't that bad.
I like making things. Masks, paper, books, things with electronic bits. I need to stop being lazy and finish my set for a stop motion video I was going to do.

I'll stop here. :))


Dragon Goddess
@Essy wow, you sound like you could be a great bodyguard! haha on a more serious note, it's great that you have such active hobbies. I'm pretty much a fail when it comes to sports and stuff like that, but I always have been interested in Archery. dont really have a place to learn it around here though unfortunately

@PhilteredKhaos I love mythology as well! I've heard a lot about Magic (I mean, people saying they play it) but I don't actually know much about it. is it a card game of sorts? and yeah i agree on the politics thing; it's tough to associate with one or the other since both have some good (and bad) ideas. . .

I take it you read a lot hm? I don't read much, but I love to write. I'll just read mythology or sometimes dragon-related stories

haha yea OMG im sick of "bob was your average high school student BUT THEN _____________" I really like One Punch Man though, but I've only seen a few episodes. it's pretty funny imo. what are some anime you've enjoyed?


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
I love to write and to read even tho i enjoy writing more and i dont read that much anymore. I'm into history and politics, I love to draw in anime style, I drew a horrible comic with ten volumes (don't ask me how i got that far) which is not good bc i was twelve when i made it, i love pixelart even tho I started with it 1 1/2 years ago, I can't say I love anime bc I only enjoy few ones and I don't enjoy watching them I prefer reading mangas (am i the only one here?).
I love drawing, I draw for my live but when I use pen and paper it looks like 100x times better than when I draw it with my graphic tablet. Just like with animes I don't enjoy most movies, only my favorite ones and musicals (i love spy series tho). I love singing and I can't tell if I'm good or bad at it. Sometimes I make music mashups, I made a remix for my sisters cheerleading performance last year. I'd really like to get started with making music but too busy with school and rpg maker stuff tho. And I enjoy sports like skiing, ice-skating and swimming but I actually am a lazy person and not good at sports

I talk too much, sorry(cry) I stop here. (And i feel weird because writing "I" so often)
Am i the only one around here, who loves Movies? So how about somebody guesses my favourite movie? Ok i think thats clear xD
So about my Hobbies : I like Archery allot though i only do it in my freetime. I love riding my Motorcycle and playing baseball. My favourite Movies are: Matrix (pfh xD that was clear ), Harry Potter( all of them ( And i have read the books too)), Interstellar ( Lovie it!!) and of course Star wars!


I do like movies, I'm just really picky! I did LOVE the (first) Matrix, but recently it's harder to find movies I really like. I've seen parts of the Harry Potter movies, and kind of like them. Never really watched them fully through though.

Recently I have become a bit of a movie hunter, since it's so hard to find good ones, it's actually a pretty entertaining challenge to find something that I DO like. Next up is The Revenant.

Last movie watched was Good Dinosaur which I did like. I'm constantly looking for good horror, sci-fi, movie, and fantasy movies. I'm tired of drama and comedy though.


Dragon Goddess
I love to write
Cool! have you posted anything around here I can check out? I don't like reading often, and people call me a liar because I'm a writer ha ha.

@Mr. Anderson I like movies too but like Macro said, there just isn't much good stuff out there nowadays. I'm really picky too and rarely re-watch movies. I tend to gravitate towards animated/anime films more than "live action" though--and I prefer fantasy stuff.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Lol no. I'm not good at writing in English (cry) Writer don't have to read a lot just because they're writers, don't you think so too? But, well, most stuff I write are handwritten and in German ewe but I'm really enjoying doing so, do you too?

I'm actually very very picky with movies (and animes) too that's why i don't enjoy most of them. But I love any series related with spy stuff bc I love it lol.


Dragon Goddess
Writer don't have to read a lot just because they're writers, don't you think so too? But, well, most stuff I write are handwritten and in German ewe but I'm really enjoying doing so, do you too?

I'm actually very very picky with movies (and animes) too that's why i don't enjoy most of them. But I love any series related with spy stuff bc I love it lol.
yea of course. i think it's dumb for people to make assumptions based on your hobbies like that. writing is entirely different than reading. I used to hand write stuff, but it's a lot harder to do it for long periods of time since your hands get cramped and it's uncomfortable (unless you're in class, in which case i did write a lot in my notebooks)

yea most of them are bad unfortunately. generic plots, but worst of all..lame characters


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Since its based on each other many ppl think this. You can improve your writting skills while reading and what you create with writting is something you can read. The two things are related but often mistaken for "almost the same thing".

Does drinking tea and collecting things count as hobby ?