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How did I get here?

Bizarre Monkey

Listen to my tale...
I was cast out by my comrades...

Exiled, forced to wander places they'd left to waste... but I was not alone, not entirely. The others, my exiled companions, went with me to our ambiguous destination.

As we arrived, we felt our hearts turn cold, filled now was the void they'd made-- with a passionate hatred for them and their betrayal for empty promises of sanctuary. Together, we decided to make a name for ourselves, a name designed to spite their own labeling of the exiles.

We would become... Corporation XVI, the Conspiracy they began, the one we named.

A feud of few years... We won't forget, only regret-- that we can not send our traitors a more fitting farewell.

Nowadays, we use Corporation XVI as a means to define those who actively work on things in the Collective, while the Collective is a group of close friends, but it used to mean more than simply being the right wing of an incredibly left-wing non-profit Organization.

It was over almost three years ago that the Collective was formed, through these times, dark and damning, awesome and auspicious, we've accomplished much. Becoming an Icon of fear to our old enemies was one of the smallest.

February 7th, 2015. Menagerie: Remastered is on Desura, and it's debut is one we'd not soon forget. In the top 50's in minutes, of over 3000 games. Now with over 10,000 pageviews.

Perseverance: Adherence follows suit on Desura. It's reception starts slow, but ramps up tremendously after some time, now with 11,000+ views and it's record being in the top 20 (#19 to be exact), even now after months of nothing, it's still in the top 200. #146 last I checked.

I'm so proud of what me and my better fifteen have accomplished, that I wanted to make a thread about it.
Member I: Catalyst Invisible
(aka Pjcr)
The first, he is number one. He's the lead pixel artist of the CCC. He's one of my closest friends.​
Member II: Radiant Seraph
(aka Xiie)
Betrayed also by those she once happily worked for, she now works with the XVI in order to outshine her old friends whom are now eager to demonize her.​
Member III: Boundless Maw
(aka AngryPacman)
He who devours all, AngryPacman is the only one of the XVI who lives anywhere near me. Mostly, he enjoys composing casually, but his song "A Time and Place" has made it to many games.​
Member IV: Voguish Prodigy
(aka Xzygon)
One of my oldest friends, predating Omegadev and the calamity of Now he and I work together to write stuff and also he helps out with programming sometimes.​
Member V: Forsaken Heart
(aka Peva)
Betrayed again and again, he finally found his place within our ranks, whatever ranks are! We wouldn't know. He suffers from sadness and is always in search of love.​
Member VI: Unsung Centurion
(aka Basil)
One of the most loyal adherents, he does art and is also a singer, and is pretty good at it!​
Member VII: Manifest Inexistence
(aka Notte)
The victim of several severely unfunny puns, Notte is the writing assistant of Corp XVI. His title refers to his manner of lurking without typing much.​
Member VIII: Distant Virtuoso
(aka Andinator)
Hard to reach, harder to get to do art, he shows himself strong however in the field of feedback.​
Member IX: Unrequited Verdict
(aka Zeirt)
One of the more moral and justice-concerned sorts, she is an artist at heart, but a software engineer by design.​
Member X: Paragon Reticent
(aka Kurtis)
He's based on my real life friend, he's an immaculate artist, as well as a puzzle enthusiast.​
Member XI: Taciturn Rhapsody
(aka Jake "MoneyMenace" Gamelin)
The lead composer for the Corporation. He's behind most of our famous themes, including Intelligence's main theme, The Naxonite Order and The Menagerie.​
Member XII: Impetuous Sussuration
(aka Bizarre Monkey)
Ya, doy, it's me!​
Member XIII: Melodious Unknown
(aka RavenBlueIndigo)
The lead of sound design and part time composer.​
Member XIV: Vixen Malevolence
(aka Usagi Shinobi)
Lead Concept Artist and really funny guy!​
Member XV: Dissentious Termagant
(aka Amy)
Lead of PR, Agent of Doom and invisible eye of consultation.​
(aka Ωmegas7)
A prominent and affluent figure whom is often afar in exploits of his own merit. He is told to be the real leader of the Corporation, while Member XII is simply the public impetus of chaos paving way for his auspicious return. But that's only rumor.


Wait what? Pardon my confusion, but I must now ask- Did you and the others have a falling out with another RPG Maker forum or did I just totally misunderstand this topic?

Bizarre Monkey

You didn't misunderstand anything, in fact you are so correct it means I portrayed what I meant pretty alright. hihi~!

I actually did an introduction thread for me, myself and I a while back, being that I was one of the first ones around here, this was more of a collective introduction of my team.

Originally I was going to reintroduce myself since when i first introduced myself there were at most seven other members here, haha. But this seemed like a cooler idea.

The feud I had has come to a close as far as I'm concerned, and I'm pretty sure by now those who were against my company and I are happy to let it rest as well.

Me and my company will not forget what happened, but we will lie our weapons down so long as we are able. We're game developers and creative artists, not vigilantes.

Bizarre Monkey

Hohoh! Wow I wasn't pulling any punches over in that thread, was I.

So far this site is yeah, definitely the one I see with the most promise, and I've looked and been around.

I've been banned from RMN for another month (don't ask me how I keep managing that) but it's the sort of site with a lot of balls, and I can enjoy that to a point.

When it stops being fun I just act up enough to get myself suspended since I've developed a relationship there almost like stockholm syndrome.

Alcha Emy

Towns Guard
Dramatic! I don't really care for drama but eh to each their own right? Welcome! I am the GREAT ALCHA EMY! Greatest alchemist in the world! I have recently gotten out of my creators head and it is now time for me to spread my awesome!

Bizarre Monkey

Dramatic! I don't really care for drama but eh to each their own right? Welcome! I am the GREAT ALCHA EMY! Greatest alchemist in the world! I have recently gotten out of my creators head and it is now time for me to spread my awesome!
Well, it's dramatic, but not designed with instigating drama in mind. I think we're all collected enough here not to let it turn into drama, it's just a bit of good ole' fashion backstory wrapped in morose reminiscence.

Bizarre Monkey

Yeah, Amy's on the dot.

The Player Rep for now is actually me.

I am confident this could in no way horrendously backfire.
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