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Dragon Goddess
We all dream, but sometimes we remember them or we don't. This is a thread to discuss everything about dreams! Had a cool dream last night? Share it with us! Heck, even if it was a dream from a long time ago, we'd love to hear it!

Talk about dream symbols or just tell us what you like to dream about. Have any special powers in your dreams? Dreaming strategies? Share it all! (glee)

I love dreaming, and notice that they are much more vivid when I get a new pillow. I developed a strategy for "escaping" nightmares... I just push my eyes in really hard in the dream and count to 10 and I can enter a new dream. lol. I have no idea why that works.

In my dreams, I can usually shapeshift into a dragon... and I always have wings, so I can fly! Yay~ (cat)

Tell me about your dreaming experiences, guys! (heart)


Digital Artist
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Insomnia runs in my family, so a lot of times I don't sleep at all, unfortunately. I don't usually remember dreams, assuming I sleep during the night, but a lot of times I have those falling dreams that make you wake up to check that you aren't dead or something.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Usually, I can't remember any of my dreams at all. But those I do remember are mostly realistic and weird in some way. I don't know any details any more but I know that in most of my dreams strange things happen to me. Things that normally wouldn't happen to me.
I can also say that I didn't have any bad nightmares so far. The only dreams I wake up from are those "falling dreams", as @Amysaurus called them. I just wish I would remember my dreams any better. I'd love to talk about them and show you the weird things that go on in my head when I'm not in control. :D


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
I almost remember every dream i had. Wow I dreamt a lot of scary shit the last weeks but even if they're scary they tend to inspire me. Then I try to draw a few scenes of it in my book and keep them. I actually love to dream but sometimes (especially during holidays) I have a row of nightmares. Like one or two weeks and I remember like every dream and sometimes it gets me so scared I don't want to fall asleep again. Mostly wake up at three or two AM and just stay up till 6 and try to sleep later when it's noon. But even if i fall asleep again i either dream something scary or continue my dream.

Sometimes I can control what I do in my dreams. I love it and it inspires me bc my head generates new plots or possibilities depending on what I do. That's so cool id like to know how my brain works when i sleep. Mostly I can't control what I'm doing and it gets me into trouble even though i know I shouldn't do this and in the dream I realize "why did i do this? Why can't i just control myself?". Strange strange


I usually don't get too dream well or for long, because of a bad bed and health issues. I've had some memorable lucid dreams, but they are few and far between. Usually the harder I try to remember my dreams, the more nightmares arise, or else get VERY weird. My mind seems to be intensely rooted in reality, which is probably why I struggle with my creativity.

If I dream about anything, it's usually about being trapped at work the entire time. Not pleasant!


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
If I dream about anything, it's usually about being trapped at work the entire time. Not pleasant!
Urgh sounds not nice. Like the five nights at freddys thing. But actually most of my nightmares are, if they are not normal fears like drowning, heights or the unknown, they are about school, bad teachers, catastrophes while I'm at school or it changes into sth abnormal. But these trapped in somewhere dreams are awful. I don't even wanna know what I'll gonna dream if I'll get work someday. Hope they don't make you scared of your workplace though


Dragon Goddess
Thankfully I rarely have scary dreams anymore, and if I do, I can usually escape them with the above method.

I usually just dream about games or having fantastical adventures... or experimenting with different magic. Lately, I can barely remember my dreams though.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I don't quite remember my dreams, sometimes I do sometimes I don't, it's hit or miss for me lol.I used to write a dream journal and the more I did this the more I remembered but then I stopped and now I don't remember no more. I do meditate though and I have experienced dream like state when doing this and some interesting things show up like random visuals of places I've never been, or random objects appear in front of me, clarity and lots of energy, fun stuff meditation is.


When I tried a dream journal, I would always have a hard time falling back to sleep. It does seem to help remember things, but it also killed my sleep hours so I gave up.


Dragon Goddess
I really need to start trying to remember my dreams again, they are getting so hard to remember now. D: I know I had a cool one last night, but it's so blurry. Doh!

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I remembered a dream from a year or so ago and I wanted to share it, then I remembered this thread. I remember this dream because it was around the same time as my dream journal, and it was my first experience of becoming aware of the dream I was having, in other words, it was my first very short lucid dream. Anyways it's still vague with only pieces that I remember, but I remember being in my apartment, when I lived in Edmonton, Alberta and some people knocking on my door, when I opened it up, a rush of fear came over me, they were bad people and wanted to invade my home, I shut the door in time and I went to my balcony to climb down, haha 3rd floor up, so quite the climb, but I felt confident in doing it and I did. At this point in my dream, I'm not lucid, still very dreamlike lol. So I make it down on the road and for some reason my mom was there in her car waiting for me( odd, because we lived 5000km away from each other.)so I jumped in the passenger seat, and she took off, I look behind me and there are still people chasing me, all of a sudden I look down, and I'm shot, I'm bleeding, but then it happened. The first trigger is getting shot, in that moment because I've trained my brain to breathe, calm down and relax in high-stress situations( takes a lot of work) when I started breathing and calming down it clicked in, I was dreaming, I knew I was dreaming, but the moment that happened, when I said I have control. BAM! I woke up for real, DAMNIT, I was frustrated and happy at the same time. So yea that's my dream, and this flashback has given me some motivation to do a dream journal again. Thanks for creating this thread Micro :D


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Wow @LTN Games (god I can't spell your name properly anymore when i remember what ltn stands for XD) dreams like these are awesome in the moment and scary but when you wake up and think about it you're like "wtf this doesn't even make sense". Lastlay I remember nothing but my dreams, Is my soul wandering off ?
I don't have a dream journal but I draw a few scenes of my dreams so I remember them and don't forget about them. So it is actually a dream journal in a way i guess XD

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Yea these moments are quite interesting, the best part was becoming lucid, I don't mind getting shot in my dream when I know it's a dream, I'll just heal it. Then fly away and create some awesome worlds and visit them. It's really awesome that you remember most of your dreams, I think a lot of people who are creative and do things like art, have a higher chance of remembering their dreams, I think it has to do with using more of the brain lol.


Dragon Goddess
wow LTN dat dream. reminds me of a recurring dream i used to have about people breaking into my house and stomping up the stairs to kill me. i was always SO afraid but the dream would end as my door opened because i was so afraid lol. thankfully i dont have that dream anymore xD

oh yeah I remember I had a dream last night that Deathwing was my friend. (WC2 deathwing when he was still "alive") man it was so cool. I think someone was being mean to me and he came and scared them away. he was this gigantic badass black dragon y'know. anyway after he scared the bad person away he laid his massive head beside me LOL so random!

I don't remember anything else rofl.
I think a lot of people who are creative and do things like art, have a higher chance of remembering their dreams
yea this is very true. also people who have less responsibilities/stress tend to remember them I think. I definitely do remember dreams more when I've been writing though
[doublepost=1452068227][/doublepost]can only remember bits and pieces of my dreams last night, but....

I remember the sky being dark (like it was stormy) and there was "fire in the sky" but it looked light lighting. everybody was yelling, "There's fire in the sky! We have to get to shelter!" so we had to go in this shelter that was underneath some pool resort. i dont know. xD

my other dream was that, I discovered that there had been a murder at Disney World. I went back in time to shadow the people who had been murdered previously, and had to try and figure out who the murderer was, before they were killed. in the dream, I wasn't allowed to be seen by the victims for some reason, so it was weird.

Hopefully it will merge this double post...xD


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Dreams are mostly weird and afterwards I'm always like "wth this didn't even make sense" but it's scary bc they feel so real.

The weirdest dreams come in a row and in the holidays. They're always about me coming too late to school or forget to do homework or something like that. Sounds stupid ik but it's super scary for me.
@Micro this thing with the sky is interesting. I have dreams like this too with fire in the sky. So weird.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Most of my nightmares continue automatically if i go back to sleep (fe if i wake up in the night bc i had a nightmare in the first place) and i hate it. Sometimes i dont even wanna fall asleep again because im too scared...


Dragon Goddess
I remember being in some kind of airplane, and I could materialize items... uhh man this one is really vague... we were flying above a big tech-y looking city and I remember seeing a big train below?

aaaand....the plane had like... hotel rooms.. idk lol it was more like a flying mansion xD Need to start writing down what I remember so it's easier to recall them ha ha I know I had more than this but I can't remember now D'ohhhhh!
I remember a dream I had when I was 5. There was huge gray cat with 2 white kittens with scarlet ribbons. Sitting on a front of a fountain basin, the area had 4 benches of coarse stone and everywhere was thick autumn leaves. The Cats were dreaming about milk and were so peaceful.