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Intelligence: 314th Clash -- Progress Thread

Bizarre Monkey


New Logo by Xiie Reisen.
Click above to go to the Download Section
Intelligence is a large blockbuster of an RPG, with over eight hours of gameplay and filled to burst with charming characters, hilarious interactions and cartoon antics.

If I was told to describe Intelligence's tone in one word, I'd say to stop being such a twat, but if pressed I'd go for "Cartoon". It's art style and manner of presentation is very in line with a typical saturday morning cartoons, and the character interactions evoke a charming beauty, the game takes a lot of inspiration from Sam and Max the games and Ed, Edd, n' Eddy the cartoon.

In fact the three characters are similar in ways to the eds, but they are definitely their own thing.


Before the Present: How Earth became Mammalistic.
In 2012, December 21st, the Humans were assaulted by an Ancient Gassy face known as "Maw", with the help of the enigmatic "Messenger" the humans built fourteen enormous passenger craft to carry what was left of humanity to a new home in the Universe, and departed in 2032- leaving what remained of Earth to the Frostlord's destructive power. Arriving at their new planet Hope, 20 years later.
The Demigoddess Blu accelerated the mental growth of Earth's mammals by a large margin, particularly the domesticated kind-- quickly the mammals began to grow to the same intellect as humans, and as they had clashes in ideals, a war began, more commonly known as the Great War, the "War of Indifference" (began 2042) only helped Maw's destructive rampage.
Finally (2072), a Heroine stepped forward to unite the indifferent in an effort to contain the Frostlord, and through trials and tribulations, they'd succeed. The Trustworthy Heroine's name was Tristy Heals (Born 2064). After the Great War had subsided, the Treaty of Super Awesome Happy Fun Times was signed by all of the mammal races, sans the wolves, who stated they could not live in such a Utopia, and left society forever. Shortly afterwards Tristy resigned to live out her life in Solace, an endavour which by 2102, is becoming more difficult... this is when the game's "current" begins.
2101, two estranged outcasts meet at a T-junction they would nickname "Reunion Junction", seeing each other as a last hope for their well-being, Rolly Fatdog and Pep Cookiedoe became close friends.

3/14/2102: The Beginning of the Present
A Year after they'd met, Rolly organizes an anniversary of their esteemed friendship, and Pep, while recalcitrant at first over an unwelcome waking ritual, is eager to hang out with his best friend.
Meanwhile, at Tristy's home out west, she sees a meteorite plummet to earth, which lands near Pep and Rolly's destination, feeling it her duty to make sure the Ancient Contained was not released, she endeavored to investigate the crash site, while Rolly and Pep ended up there by happenstance, involving a game of tag and their sighting of the Wishing Star hours before which set upon them some nasty debris which they had to deftly avoid.
The game of tag is interrupted by them spotting the wishing star that Pep remarks 'almost killed them', before suggesting Rolly make a wish, they are interrupted again by rustling, revealed to be some ill intentioned folks. Pep and Rolly hold their own well against the large group of them, but Pep begins to get tired out, before long, a mechanical boomerang swoops out and dispatches two of the fiends before returning to it's wielder-- the weilder being Tristy, after a brief intro, they take out the rest of the Mawed souls, and Tristy follows with describing most of what just happened. Feeling absolutely wretched with her prolonged solace, Tristy's ears prick up when Pep mentions the notion of them being friends, but ultimately, her fear and mistrust of others has her remain silent beyond simple remarks of how such would benefit her, Rolly senses her shy nature, and offers his paw openly with a smile on his face, at this point Tristy can't refuse, and from that day 3/14/2102 the trio would be friends ever since.
On September 4th, 5 months and 20 days after they met, another much larger meteorite is revealed to have landed out West, Tristy knowing such as her call of duty, ropes Rolly and Pep into helping her out, there, they discover no Mawed Souls, something more... ominous.
An "Old One", the name of which Mammals knew Humans by, had been spotted. Tristy shows extreme caution, before finding out this "Old One" is misrepresented by his attire, after a bit of back and forth, Tristy enlightens him on the nature of Maw's containment, something he had travelled all the way to Earth to discover. The Messenger beams with joy, and bids the party farewell, not feeling up to the trip back to Brisbane, the party crash at Tristy's place for 10 days.

This ends disasterously...
The plot gets too crazy from then on to spoil for you, and it'd be an ideal place to hook this off, let it be known though. the Frostlord is one of SEVERAL foes you face.

That's not even all of them. :0​
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Rise Evil

Praised Adventurer
That's outstanding. The amount of works put into it to show updates from your work in progress, the ideas and all the execution you put to make one of the biggest clash to occur. With so much creativity, there's no way to stop you once you've started working. I'll be looking fowards your game for sure ^^

Bizarre Monkey

Large Update

Tristy is done.

See all 24 emote poses here:

Tilesets cartoonified to better suit the tone and characters of the game, this is still a work in progress.

I'll be getting a kill autoshadow script, as well.

More easter eggs.

More intensity.

Plot is complete, sans the ending. Currently I'm bugfixing all the things KGC_LargeParty opted to break, as well as updating encounters and animations to sound, play and look better.
Music for those is a placeholder... speaking of music!

Jake "MoneyMenace" Gamelin, the composer behind both Menagerie: Remastered's highly received OST, and the one currently working on Perseverance: Full Clearance's already spectacular soundtrack, has opted to do the music for 314th Clash, as well.

Blu's theme.

Niirgo's theme.

He's currently working on the Intelligence main theme.

Finally, progress reveal, though if you want to avoid spoilers, you'll want to skip this video.

It's going well, in other words.
[doublepost=1449663412,1449326875][/doublepost]Large Progress Update.

-Rewrote nearly everything from just after start to just before Act 3.
-Tristy is now pretty snippy with those she first interacts with, better designating her antisocial attributes.
-Rolly had some dialogue that wasn't really in character for him, this has been corrected.
-Pep has had a lot of dialogue rephrased to be less flippant and more understandable, but still Peppish.
-Safael is now a lot more comical and repressive in his interactions.
-Bubbles is now actually revealed as Bubbles, and seems to in some part enjoy and both despise Safael's company.
-Limbo's dialogue has been given a few changes to better streamline his transition as a character through the stories progression.
-Australis/Fyori is now far more in character, commonly showing herself as restless and bored, though never outright stating it.
-The Messenger/Kurtis and Origin are now completely separate entities.
-Several boss characters got visual upgrades, The Dark Matron, Nesmose and Doom just to name a few.
-Brisbane Sewer Rats are now suited up both in character set and face graphic. Before / After.
-Maw's dialogue was altered to better cement his role as the frustrated villain, but also to allude slightly that he's only doing this 'cause he has to.
-Voice acting for Maw and Pyro was removed across the board, meaning I can write lines in their place which are probably cooler, anyway/
-A lot of other voice acting was also removed, primarily from Pep and bit time events, such as the security system in Maw's prison.
-The fabrication and it's explanation is now briefer and more clear.
-When Doom is defeated, a small dialogue stating Gameovers are now the cost of failure will show. To add, enemies no longer just let you go again and fully recover you should you fail. Falling to Doom will also end in a Gameover. But before that point, a game over isn't possible. This allows the fabrication to mean something.
-Pep now makes slight and occasional references to his past as the Red Rapscallion before he's fully interrogated about it in Act 3.
-Lots of bad unfunny pop culture references were removed.
-Lots of funny original face-value humor was added.
-Most noticably in Act 3, but also in prior acts, each of the trio has something they bring to their peers.
*- Rolly serves as the mediator and firefighter, without even realizing it.
*- Pep serves as the streak of fun and chaos Tristy and Rolly both enjoy, that mischievous fella who is needed. He's also very loyal.
*- Tristy functions as the researcher and thinker of the group, again, without really realizing it.
*- Limbo is lighthearted comic relief and the cure for feeling blue. Often cheering up his allies with parties, all of which are spectacular!
-To add, each of the part also has a reason to be in the group.
*- Rolly needs food and shelter, and friendship with that!? He'll take it! He also commonly brawls with Pep since that's one of his hobbies.
*- Pep needs a foil for his vitriol and an intellectual sparring partner, Rolly serves the former, Tristy the latter. Pep also hates being alone.
*- Tristy loves the wacky antics of her only friends to death, while Pep is a good intellectual sparring partner and Rolly is a great loveable oaf to reminisce with, Tristy's main affection is that she now couldn't really do much without them, being antisocial most of her life has made making friends difficult for her.
*- Limbo has his own agenda, but also loves having more friends to party with, he very quickly warms up to the trope.
These dependencies have been in from the start, but they're just a little more touched on now.
-Snowball has replaced a cameo on planet Hope.
-Nesmose, Doom and Dark Matron all have new or updated mechanics.
-AOE abilities and several others were duplicated and based on regular attack stats and given 0 MP cost for the sake of monster usage.
-Some large bugs with endgame encounters were fixed.
-Gameovers are now a lot more fluid.
-There are now chances to save on each section of the Act 3 Skybridge Run, as well as a full restore after each event.
-Limbo's previously-balance-breaking ruination ability was changed, instead of inflicting damnation, it now does a shit ton of damage.
-Tristy's Cornucopia ability, which ended up being too situation to be useful, was replaced with Hall of Mirrors, which casts Reflect on the whole party.
-Limbo's Mana Sweep ability, which was just too situational for an endgame ability, was replaced with Vanguard, an ability that casts repel (physical reflect) on the party.
-The final boss is currently being worked on some more.
-Did a playthrough from Act 1 to Arcticlash (Act Pi). No bugs. But since I've deleted almost all of the copyright content, suffice it to say bugs are going to start appearing like wild fire.

-All battlebacks have been remastered. See them here.
-All tiles have been replaced with more toony equivalents. (see last post)
-Autoshadows have been killed. This is a really good thing! See: Before / After
-Australis/Fyori now has an updated sprite. Image
-Esperia has an updated sprite. Image
-Planet Arcticlash was updated with a new graphic that looks cool and is property I legally have the rights to.
-Several battlers and faces have been updated.
-Google image search images will be all gone or replaced with legally sound artwork.
-Nesmose had his battle graphic and face updated. Before / After
-Doom had his battle graphic and face updated. Before / After
-The Shadow Matron had her battle graphic and face updated. Before / After.
-All copyrighted VA is gone.
-All sound effects I ripped from games are gone.
-MV sound effects have been added.
-Some new animations have been made for some end-game wonder abilities.
-Made some new sequences, for end game wonder abilities.
-The word "wonder ability" is simply meant to be a vague cloak of ambiguity so as to not spoil what may or may not happen with these abilities. But... I'm pretty sure you'll like them.
-Sound design is being improved across the board, as are commonly used animations.

-For some bizarre reason, tables now don't work like counter tiles. I am looking into why this may be, as this makes a lot of shops prone to being useless.
-All known KGC_LargeParty related errors have been fixed.
-Some faces due to having their file name aptly changed, no longer show. This will be fixed.

-Updating all four main character sprites. (25%)
-Revising the introduction.
-Giving an in-dev copy to both my composer and my writing assistant to analyze.
-Updating some bosses like the Galleons to look less shit.
-Updating the bestiary to account for all the new bosses and mobs.
-Removing/replacing what remains of copyrighted stuff or stuff I don't have legal permission to use.
-Fleshing out the ending. I've only just begun and considering it closes the saga of the Biztopian "Origin" mythos, it'll have a fair bit to tie up.
-Making the story as easy to follow as possible without strangling the player with words.
-Updating the main character facesets, Pep, Rolly and Tristy's angelic forms are what remains.
-Revising a lot of sloppily designed monster battles.
-Adding a boss to the end of the battle on the bridge, which functions as the Exp boost, rather than the roll-out section before.
-Adding an 'escape' minigame to compensate for the one lost at the end of act one.
-Making a minigame during each sequence of credits.
-Finding a script that allows a switch to be universally saved, so that I can add checkpoints, this would be especially crucial in the late game.
[doublepost=1449737718][/doublepost]Pep's 24 poses in new clothes and stuff all done.

To add, Tristy's angelic form has been updated.
Before / After
Now only Rolly remains.
[doublepost=1449999076][/doublepost]Well well well! What have we here?
Seems to be a puppy, with some superhero cheer!
Now don't shy off, there's plenty of fun.
Just sit back, relax and watch, hun!

Rolly Fatdog's Redefinition

Everything I wanted.
Character sprites:



Tristy Ascended

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Bizarre Monkey

Gave an early closed beta to some radical peeps. So far only a few small spelling errors and one out of the way gamebreaker has been found.

The entire plot is now all assembled.

The soundtrack is being actively worked on now.
Really happy with this! Props to Jake "MoneyMenace" Gamelin for a main theme well done!
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Bizarre Monkey

So no, he couldn't just satisfy me with the last track. He had to go above and fucking beyond with this beauty.

Just. Wow!

If it's hard to make out my genuine love for this recent piece through my silly tomfoolery, then let me clarify.

This music is everything I wanted and more! If he keeps going like this, i'm not going to be able to rest. I'll not be able to sleep in waking anticipation for more of stuff like this!

Guess you could say I'd be... resisting a-rest!
d (^..0) b
Impressive results so far. You certainly mastered the art of update notes as well.
Thanks! As for update/patch notes. I learned from Blizzard.

I'm not sure if I should be proud of that.
[doublepost=1450866414,1450663185][/doublepost]New brilliant characters themes by Jake "MoneyMenace" Gamelin!
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Sprites for Limbo, Pep, Tristy and Rolly have been been updated with a new design, using a cel shaded look.

Koopa xD
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Bizarre Monkey

Large Update to OP.
Now you have permission to get hyped.

Updated Main Post with more info and insights along with a link to its resource page.

Small Patch deployed, and since this is STILL a progress thread, here's some progress.

Jake has finished some new themes, both Sister of Virtue and Mercy's off the Table.
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