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I'm having a really hard time determining what her expression is supposed to be. Something about the mouth. Other than that, some polish on the lines, and I think it's looking to be nice new replacement art. ^_^
Same one she is here. http://i.imgur.com/F3H0oxI.png
Probably laughing through her teeth, at the imbecile she's tormenting. Whatever it is, she appears to be having a lot of fun.
I can easily edit her expressions anyway, right now the tail (which is out of date) and the outlines are being worked on, also given Xiie some feedback on her hand and other things.
Fun fact, I actually met Esperia first in a dream, decided I had to draw her. Then she sorta just became this big deal that I developed with some in-achievable type of gusto. She's incredibly fun to write, and even more fun to draw.
Yeah I can do that, she can entirely change appearances though. Mostly she's entirely bent on malicious soul-theft, but sometimes she's actually nice or approachable on matters.
But this is an average expression for Esperia.
Drawn by Aku: Member III, the Shapeshifting Mistress of Snarkness.
SCHOOL IS OVER! (sans from a feedback class on next Friday) So work on this game from me can begin! First thing I'll be doing is working on systems, input and very first, a simpler HUD.
But before even that can happen, I've got some promises to keep to some old friends.
[doublepost=1447183999,1446785404][/doublepost]Large Update:
Pep's walking sprite is done.
Esperia's sprite has one frame done.
Esperia's base bust is almost done.
Dev Side.
For me, today has been a revitalization of hope for this project. I have found most of the plugins I will need. I am also working on acquiring some talent from places that are enthused with the MV's runtime and JS environment.
Personally I've been doing samples of lyrics and syncing them to battle themes so the singers can get an idea for how to proceed.
Nice work there by Xiie! Today I'm personally beginning on the HUD. Updates will be provided as that continues.
As most of you know, we now have different sprites for idle, sprinting and walking. On Nola at least. On Wednesday I wrote down what I really want for the combat and HUD in one of my sketchbooks.
-WASD for Movement
-Mouse + Keyboard Input
-Clicking and "Action" being made seperate.
-A Fluid HUD that's easy to turn on and off, the ability to Act four and beyond, switch between characters without a hitch. Thus Nola is playable the first two acts, Pep is playerable in act three, where as Act 4 and 5 you can switch between either, then in Act 6 you play primarily as Pep. I have found a script that may make the HUD much easier to manage.
-Intro tutorial, basically, unless you have a save file; you'll be prompted to play the tutorial, you can choose not to, but it will be a great entry into the games combat and mechanics.
-Upgradeable weapons, up to level five. They all start at level one. This won't be done via combat. They'll be contained in secrets and stuff. Given as rewards for things. Basically it'll work similar to Gold Bolts in Ratchet and Clank but a bit more plentiful. There's 4 upgrades per weapon, and 10 weapons in the game, meaning the total Upgrade item amount would be 40.
-Secret areas and even a secret level. The Archonite Mines as concepted by Frubi may have some interesting finds.
-Contemplating augments if I like this system enough. Heck, might just use Yanfly's equip slot system to be the Upgrade interface. Depends if they can turn a weapon into another weapon entirely.
-Also in secrets (and some not) will be pamphlets that on pickup will show information about elements, items and characters in the game.
-10 powerups, doubling it from five.
-Now the number of each powerup you have will be shown.
Other Planned changes
-Dialogue will be heavily checked and rewritten when it could use it.
-Act four will be considerably more packed, I had to sort of rush it for the 0.9.0 preview release.
-Outfit redesigns (You've seen a lot of this already)
-Even more flavor text for things.
-An optional boss or two.
[doublepost=1448520477,1447461963][/doublepost]Xiie: lead portrait artist for PFC, has finished Esperia's busts.
I personally began work on gameplay and systems last thursday. You can see a large amount of that here.
He will. I've already drafted it in an aggressively goofy comic.
But this is a better and more concise approximation.
If you want more info on the trio it'd probably be wiser to keep a watchful eye over on the Intelligence Progress thread.
As for news on this project. I recently requested a script that I hope will be fulfilled, it would mean actually being able to devote to working on this.
Yeah, Xiie's the Lead portrait artist of Corporation XVI for good reisen... I mean-- reason.
The playable characters will have 24. Pep, will have 24 emotes, as will Nola.
Been working on interface aesthetics.
Oh dear. Woe is me, for I am neglect.
But I will correct this.
Portraits galore!
A Milestone is cleared... a greenlight shines through what was once a barrier-- your wait is coming to an end...
You're filled with... PERSEVERANCE!
A script I requested a few months ago has been completed, a rework of the system is at hand, once said rework is functional and complete...
It will only be so long, until this game can become.
What's new in Perseverance: Full Clearance? -Quick weapon selection. Pressing 1-0 on keyboard will select through weapons 1-10.
-Weapon Upgrades, from the starting V1 all the way to V5, each level changes the weapon in both visible and technical ways.
-10 Powerups, up from 5.
-Enemy Detection
-Massive Lag Reduction
-4 New Weapon Types
-Proper Save States
-New Enemies
-New Bosses
-New Portraits
-New OST
-New Mechanics
Once Intelligence 314th Clash is completed, this will come into full cycle production.
Well pucker your butthole, there's more! Just got on break, and I've used these last two days to make some HUGE progress on PFC.
Larger Resolution
In Perseverance: Adherence, the resolution was capped at 640x480, with each movement being 32 pixels, and the hud covering the bottom four rows of the screen, this gave me only 20x11 tiles to work with.
In Perseverance full clearance, the tile size remains the same (32x32px) but the resolution is now 1024x768, even with 6 rows being taken from the bottom, that's still 32x18 tiles in comparison to 20x11 per map. This will allow me to draw and orchestrate things in a much grander fashion. The Larger Sprites PJCR made will still be used in some instances of the game, however for actual gameplay, we're reverting to 32x32 sprites. This will give PJ some breathing room, as well as lets one of the newest talents to the CCC prove himself beyond what he has already.
Same Pep, only punier! Pjcr made a base for Pep a good while ago, and I've made exceptional use of it, if you were ever wondering who does the radical clothing-work on these little 32x32 beauties, typically your finger to point would be at Christopher Lykke (aka Lockdown), he's been assigned the task of clothing Pep and Nola in their various poses, and a bit of Saxxis too. So far he's done a spectacular job.
More info here:
Art Direction and Atmosphere
Alike in the first act of Perseverance: Adherence, most of the game will at it's final release be bereft of tiles. Now with a larger resolution to work with, along with photoshops cooperation, this games environments will take a leap up. I've found a weather script to mimic the old one, and there are plenty of surprises coming when I get around to having a preview ready, right now I'm focusing on structure and systems, not so much on art.... but, don't think there's nothing to look at. I may be concerning myself with systems and mechanics, but the lead portrait artist of the CCC has been hard at work remastering these wacky furballs in a busty new resolution.
Nola Worthington
Xepp Poitergeist
Sven Cookiedoe
Pep Cookiedoe
Saxxis Bufudyne
Svoli Mystralese (Not yet finished)
Esperia: Hot and Cold.
The HUD and internal systems
A lot of what I am thinking about when developing a monstrous game like PFC is 'how do I make this easier for myself?' Another favorite is 'is this optimized enough?' One of the things I enjoy is being able to make a game run faster, or be easier to manage for myself. Event spawning is a big contributor to that.
For those who never knew, Perseverance: Adherence had all the projectiles on each map, all at the same ID, so that it would never display strange behaviour when being controlled via the weaponControl event, which controlled not only the weapon selection methods, but the deployment of said weapons on the battlefield as well. This event as a result ended up being 18 pages large and being very unseemly to work with.
With event spawning, deployment is done via one simple script call, and the parralel events on the spawned projectiles handles the rest. Not only does this make one one event page required for weapon control, it also means that one one map needs to house the various tools, and this is beneficial for several reason.
1. Because the events don't exist until called upon, and then dont exist after they're erased, it means lag is dropped considerably.
2. It means that updating a weapon will mean changing only the events on one map, no longer do I have to gratuitously copy paste events from one map to all the rest.
3. Because when spawned more than once the events are duplicated, rather than being a recycled product, weapons can now not only be fired in rapid succession if desired, but can also 'chain'. Such technology is planned for multiple weapons, including the High level shotguns, High level Quad Chakram, and some Spears. This tech has already been used for the Rollermine part of the 'Bomb Glove' weapon.
To add, the HUD can now be turned on and off by a switch, this will also disable using weapons, and that is the intent.
Monsters will now also be spawned via event spawning, except in the case of bosses and some rare forced encounters, this is also beneficial for several reasons.
1. Monsters with projectiles can also spawn in THEIR projectiles.
2. Thanks to an elaborate array of monster events in a monster zoo, it will be possible to have any combination of monsters, so long as it's 10 or less on the map at a time.
3. Monster spawning will be a lot easier, and encounters will be able to be more frequent due to the ease of setup.
4. The Event spawning system allows for new interesting enemy types, some of which were planned for P:A, but were unreasonable due to their setup process. Now, instead of having 8 skeletons and a Necromancer in a room ready to jump the player, I can simply design the events in the Monster Zoo to behave how they would in such a world.
5. Boss mechanics that were once a pain in the ass to implement will now be comparatively simple. Projectiles particularly will be easy to implement.
Here's a video which puts all these bullet points into perspective rather nicely.
Incredible, isn't it?
Always wanted a bigger weapon? PFC's got some NEWS for you!
Like in previous installments, weapons vary largely in what they do on a mechanical and often visual level, and with 4 new weapon types, you'd think that would be enough, but you'd be wrong. Essentially, there are 50 weapons planned, 10 types, which are as followers.
1. Bomb Glove
2. Shotgun
3. Chaos Orbs
4. Ethereal Blade
5. Hell Snipe
6. Brute Cleaver
7. Loyal Star
8. Quad Chakram
9. Divine Spear
10. Repulsor
You'll start off with the 'iconic' version of each, for instance the V1 Crossbow is the Lich Reaper, a weapon often desired for killing Naxon in the previous games, but here's where things start to get really fun.
V1. Base Level
V2. Upgrade Gamma
V3. Upgrade Delta
V4. Upgrade Epsilon
V5. Upgrade Omega
Each upgrade will not only change damage, and possibly range of the weapon, but in all likelihood will introduce new mechanics, as well.