We are talking about different things.
Securing data and encrypting is something completely different.
1: making a special container is not encryption.
2: same as above.
3: i highly doubt that this is a normal technique.
4: this is quite normal to do in combination with your two first points.
If the question is : how can we protect our data better, then yes there are more ways to do that.
If the question is : do other game developer encrypt their data, then the answer is no, because how would the user get the key?
What they do is use DRM so you can not access the game if you do not buy it, but making the game unable to run, meaning that they is far from encrypting the data.
At launch steam gives out the key to unlock the data and when it is done it unlocks the game and you get the last files.
I can talk more about this in detail if needed!
Securing data and encrypting is something completely different.
Yes, this is normal, it does not mean that the data is encrypted, it just mean that the data is not in a container that your file system understand.I just looked through some of my locally-installed games to check that, and the data files (except for music) are all in some file format I cannot read.
Funny you should mention unity, unreal and game maker, those are perfect examples of engines that do not encrypt the data.Almost every game company I know of encrypts their data.
They employ any of the various techniques
1. Packaging into archives, which may be proprietary. Or could just be a zip file with a password.
2. Using proprietary formats for each file.
3. Encryption on files, or archives
4. Compression on files, or archives
If you're using a game engine like unity, unreal, game maker, multimedia fusion etc. they typically offer their own proprietary formats, both for security as well as performance optimization.
1: making a special container is not encryption.
2: same as above.
3: i highly doubt that this is a normal technique.
4: this is quite normal to do in combination with your two first points.
And here is the conclusion, yes, they secure their data. that does not mean that they encrypt it. Encryption is used when you want to send data to someone that has a key to open the data, like when you log on to your bank on the internet.To my knowledge, almost every commercial game I've looked at secures their data in some shape or form. There are hundreds of different algorithms devs have employed.
If the question is : how can we protect our data better, then yes there are more ways to do that.
If the question is : do other game developer encrypt their data, then the answer is no, because how would the user get the key?
What they do is use DRM so you can not access the game if you do not buy it, but making the game unable to run, meaning that they is far from encrypting the data.
Fallout 4 had preloaded data that to my knowledge was encrypted. there was missing essential files as well, maybe the .exe file.Tsukihime and Eivl: Can you provide examples of those that encrypt and those that don't?
At launch steam gives out the key to unlock the data and when it is done it unlocks the game and you get the last files.
I can talk more about this in detail if needed!