I think it is an awesome idea. You are actually blessing others with almost 30% of your Pantheon campaign, per $250, when MV is full-priced. I have always find that the more one blesses, the more that person makes.
I'm hoping that would be the case lol
I'm going to be honest here, it doesn't seem like a good use of your cash to me. At least not in the long term. Eventually most people are going to have MV that want MV. I assume that you have already thought of a way to prevent people from selling copies that you give away, yes? I could add more, but at the risk of not being politically correct, I'll stop there.
Don't get me wrong though, I definitely feel that you deserve your Patreon money, as you work hard for the RPG Maker community. Been a fan for years myself, but sadly I don't have the option of donating with my low wages.
Do you have any thoughts on what would be better uses for the funds that are generated through patreon?
Also, I have not considered too many possibilities regarding giveaways, so if you see any other potential issues just let me know. I'm just thinking "well, if more people can use MV now, that would be great".
If someone wishes to sell the copy, that's up to them. They could choose to use it to build a game, or give it to a friend, or give it away to a stranger, or sell it for some extra cash and buy themselves something nice.
My goal with the patreon campaign is to provide a channel for fans to use, with some extra perks.
There are many ways to show your support, such as using them in your games, or sharing my stuff with others, or telling them about my campaign. Perhaps someone you refer will end up becoming a patron as well.
For now, all of my dev work is focused on helping other devs with their games, providing free tools that they can use. If they release games that are successful, it would be great if they could put some of that towards my campaign, or any other products that I release in the future.