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Zebestian's Music Collection

Zebestian's Music Collection


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Kaimen submitted a new resource:

Kaimen's Music Collection - Music free to use for non-commercial purposes

Since I am a composer, I have a lot of soundtracks to share with you. All of my work can be found here. All tracks on my Soundcloud are just for demonstration purposes and not exactly fit for instant use with any RPG Maker. If necessary, I can provide a looping .ogg file for your needs.

- Terms of Use -
All of my work is free to use for non-commercial purposes. If you want to use my work commercially, just contact me and we'll...
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I'm a tad confused. I don't see any way to download any of your music, even on Soundcloud. Am I missing something? ^^'

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I'm a tad confused. I don't see any way to download any of your music, even on Soundcloud. Am I missing something? ^^'
Not all his tracks are downloadable, but if you start at the bottom of his soundcloud you will see the downloadable ones.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Ah, alright, thanks for letting me know ^^'
I'm currently working on a batch download of perfectly looping .oggs for instant use in RPG Maker. As of now, none of my tracks can be used without further editing which is why I disabled the downloads for my most recent tracks. It actually says so in the resource description too. Just saying. :P
If you want to have a specific song, just give me a holler and I'll take care of that for you. :)


I'm currently working on a batch download of perfectly looping .oggs for instant use in RPG Maker. As of now, none of my tracks can be used without further editing which is why I disabled the downloads for my most recent tracks. It actually says so in the resource description too. Just saying. :P
If you want to have a specific song, just give me a holler and I'll take care of that for you. :)
Ah, I see.
I saw that x3 I just figured you would've still left the download up for people who just wanted it for shorter scenes where looping might not be necessary. My fault for assuming x3
I don't have any specific song that I want, so I'll just wait for the batch :P


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Ah, I see.
I saw that x3 I just figured you would've still left the download up for people who just wanted it for shorter scenes where looping might not be necessary. My fault for assuming x3
I don't have any specific song that I want, so I'll just wait for the batch :P
Alrighty then. The batch's gonna take some time to put together though. But if you can wait, that's fine then. ^_^


If I may ask (maybe it's been said already, but I missed it), which program do you use to make your fine music?


Praised Adventurer
You have some outstanding music on there heh. Amazing collection for sure! I may use some in the future sometime, as those are kinda too good to pass on heh. If I do, I'll let you know so you can check out the project I'd put them into as well.


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Zebestian updated Zebestian's Music Collection with a new update entry:

Update to URLs and Terms

Updated URLs and terms of use, since I've changed my online moniker from Kaimen to Zebestian. All of my work is still available to the same conditions; you just have to credit a different pseudonym and use a different link.
The valid terms of use are the ones written in the resource decription. Please ignore the document in the music package.
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The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Zebestian updated Zebestian's Music Collection with a new update entry:

New music pack available!

If you're interested in my free resources, I now have a more recent music pack which includes a couple of my older songs but also a lot of newer ones that weren't in this old pack and also never available as a resource anywhere. I will also be "expanding" this pack by uploading more free to use songs in the future.
Check here for the new pack!

~ Zebby
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