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Writing template idea.

Not sure if this is in the right place, but here are a few guidelines I use for making my story.

World template
Name:Name of your world, could be something simple, such as overworld, or complex, like Terra
Geography: Is your world diverse, what kinds of Biomes are you useing. Example: Flooded world, Lots of rivers, small islands.
Tech: how technologically advanced is your world as a whole, Example: Iron age, low fantasy enchantments, simple firearms.
History: What has happened since before your game takes place, Example: Once had a golden age, mysterious disaster melted the polar caps and removed mana from planet resulting in global flooding, Large war over remaining land, Mana returns to world, giant beasts stop impeding war,

Story template
Overview: A simplified statement on what your game is about. Example: Hero slays giant beasts, returning peace to the land
Protagonist: Who are your heroes, Example: Thane (Villager), Lance (Squire), Tomas (Priest), Crystle (Princess)
Antagonist: Who are your enemies, Example: Giant monsters, Evil organisation, Resurrected golden age warriors.

Character template
Name: What is this character's name? Example: Thane
Race: What race is he? Example: Merfolk
Age: How old is he? Example: 17
Personality: How would you say he acts? Example: Selfish, egotistical,Greedy
Background: What is this characters back story? Example: Villager fed up with his lot in life, decides to become an adventurer to gain fame and fortune, little does he know that he will end up saving the world whether he wants too or not.

Name: What is this skills name? Example: Bomb!
Mechanics: What is this skill suppose to do Example: This skill deals out a random status effect, and minor damage.
Associated with: This is used to figure out who should be using this skill, such as a class or character. Example: Mad scientist
Flavor: what is the idea behind this skill, why would this character have this skill, how does it work? Example: A mad scientist makes various bombs using experimental technology never quite knowing what is going to happen. He/she pulls a random bomb from his or her pack and chucks it at an enemy.

Side/quest template
Name: This is the name for the sidequest if you desire one. This should be a sentence on what this quest is about, so when you see the name, you know what quest is being talked about. Example: The quest for the golden egg!
Reason: Why are you doing this quest, what starts this quest, why does the character agree to do this quest. Example: Jack, wanders off in search of ways to gain money to feed his family, and overhears of a goose that lays golden eggs that lies in a dungeon guarded by a giant.
Antagonist: What is keeping you from completing this quest Example: undead, traps, Giant
Resolution: What happens when you complete this quest Example: Jack captures the goose, and now once every few in game days, it produces a golden egg that sells for 1000GP
Reward: What reward do you get for doing this quest Example: A goose that lays golden eggs, 500 GP worth of equipment

Advanced: (Note: This is additional information to further develop your resources.
Character template
Connections: What notable people does this person know example: Lance (Best friend), Lilly (Mother) Joa (Brother)
Connections extended: What is the story of why he knows these people Example:
Lance (Best friend): Childhood friend, lance left at an early age to join the military, he met back up with Thane while searching for the missing princess.
Lilly (Mother): Thanes mother, kind but ferocious, when younger she was a famous adventurer, met thanes father and settled down, after thanes father died, she wanted to become an adventurer again but couldn't due to having children. Thane and Lilly do not get along that well, but when enemy mercenaries showed up looking for him, she beat them half to death.
Joa (Older brother): Joa was always a skatter brain, never focused on anything, due to this fact, one day Lilly kicked him out of the house for not providing anything constructive to the household, to which he picked himself up and became a wandering bard. Joa and thane got along fairly well, Thane was crushed when Joa left the house.

Villain Template (Note: Villain is exactly the same as an enemy, The reason why this is here, is because some people forget that the villain is a person too, and need as much back story for why he is the antagonist as your characters do protagonist. This is just an example of what a villain might look like)
Name: Galactrix
Age: 10000
Race: Ancient
Personality: Angry, brooding, pridefull, Honorbound
Background: Galactrix was one of the ancients of old, born during the golden age. Back during the golden age, he was a researcher who, like many other researchers at the time, did experiments on mana for the creation of life. Soon he discovered that something was off. Mana was disappearing from the world, or more correctly, was being moved somewhere. After following the trail of the little mana that was left, he found that mana was being conducted into a huge bomb at the north pole, tho he tried to stop it, he was unsuccessful. He could not even find out who built the bomb in the first place. In a last ditch effort to save the planet as best as he could, he made a failsafe far underground with as much mana as he could gather, with this mana, he would put himself in stasis, and in a thousand years when the world setaled down, would cast a major spell to populate the world with his creations that he made with mana. Later coming out of the ground, he found his creations fighting eachother, and destroying the world, and decided to put a stop to it.
This is all i have at the moment, I hope this has helped at all.
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Short and sweet, and nails the points needed to cover. Great template. Now THIS is how to make a starter guide!
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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Yea I am curious if you have any template for spell.skill as well, I struggle with this sometimes and it would be really helpful. Good idea @Macro
I also really like the template you made above, this will be really useful for me because writing is not my strong point at all. Thank you for sharing.


This is fantastic! I like your example of the mad scientist with bombs. Sometimes people don't realize that the backgrounds they have for their characters can generate some really unique ideas. I am working on something for the Resource Team that involves skills and such--There's such a big need for really creative ways to develop them.
Thank you for the compliment, there are lots of people with good ideas, that just don't know how to get them down. I am just attempting to make it easier to get those ideas down. Also, added Side/Quests template to list.