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[Workshop]Plugin creation (beginner, novice, intermediary and advanced)

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Local Hero
I will have multiple workshops if there is any interest in that.

Beginner: if you do not know anything about plugins, you will learn the basic of programming and at the end you will create a small utility plugin
Estimated time : 2 days â 4 hours
Examples but not limited to: A plugin that counts and reads information from a game variable, like a kill counter that makes your attack power increase after every kill.

Novice: you know some JavaScript but have never written a plugin, you will learn the basis of Object Oriented Programming and how RMMV uses it. At the end you will create a plugin that uses or manipulates existing code to do or show something new.
Estimated time: 2 days â 4 hours
Examples but not limited to: A plugin that adds more information to the menu, clickable menu buttons and formation on the battlefield.

Intermediary: You have a solid understanding of Object Oriented Programming (it can be from any other language or even just OOP itself) or you have a very good understanding of JavaScript works. You will create a plugin in which you create your very own objects and method and with some inheritance to other objects in RMMV.
Estimated time : 2 days â 4 hours
Examples but not limited to: A plugin that uses game objects to create new visual features, a skill or talent tree where you can learn skills like many RPG and MMOs have.

Advanced: You have a solid understanding how prototypal inheritance work in JavaScript, you will write your own algorithm and it will incorporate sorting, recursion and the final plugin will use custom animation in 3D and 2D.
Estimated time : 3-4 days â 4 hours
Examples but not limited to: TBA

I think i would need a digital whiteboard to draw on, and voice software so we can communicate and stream my screen at the same time... someone might know what is the best way to go.
If the interest is high i will ask someone to join me and we will have multiple groups so during the "code yourself part" of the workshop the "teacher" will not be overwhelmed with questions.

Time of day is a factor and day of week coupled with my work schedule, so Saturday and Sunday are the best options since i have a larger interval of available time.

CET 0700 - 0200 (7AM - 2AM), convert to your own timezone to see if it can work for you to.
normal weekdays would be 1900 - 2400 (7PM - 12AM)


Hey Eivl, this is great. I was curious--Are you thinking of charging?

As far as a platform... Have you considered GoogleHangouts? I use them a lot and you don't have to do video. I *think* that if you are just doing voice you can still 'screen share,' but I will have to double check that. For a 'white board' there is a chat function.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
If you need an extra hand when you have an overload in questions when doing your advanced class or any class , feel free to invite me and I will answer as many questions I can with my knowledge. I also would love to attend classes lol.


Wow this is really great of you! To be honest I couldn't think of a better teacher because you have a nice mix of smarts and friendliness. ^_^

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
At the moment I believe @eivl is busy or still not at full health. It's been about 10-11 days since being active.
If you would like to get a headstart on the basics of JS I would highly recommend to learn the basics of basics, then head on over to, if you want to have some fun playing a game and learning basic syntax of the language. Next I would recommend @Soul video tutorials, he does a great job showing examples while scripting live. So, his video tutorials can be found here.

I'm going to close this thread until he returns, as this thread may become quite overwhelming when he gets back to it.
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