Indie Dev

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Wingedwolf's AMA


What is your single favorite game of all time?

Also, how much time a week do you spend developing?

Boring questions I know, but they're interesting to me. :D
What is your single favorite game of all time?

Also, how much time a week do you spend developing?

Boring questions I know, but they're interesting to me. :D
Hmmm of all time I would have to say its a toss up between Super Mario RPG for Snes and Chrono Trigger

Developing , on a good week roughly 15 - 20 hours a week sometimes more when the wife actually leaves me be and its not my weekend with my daughter . Sadly I've only completely finished 1 game out of the 20 or 30 projects i have ..assuming its the a.d.d i ll come up with an idea be it in RPGMaker or an actual programming lang . Usually Ill have what seems to be a really great idea but then i get stuck putting it into code and work on another project instead which really hinders me since i want to make this more than just a hobby
How about a sample of each of your favorite?
Falling in reverse- drug in me is you / pierce the veil - bullet proof love ( rock ) Skrillex (techno) Juvenille (rap)
Techno is awesome! please share some of your favorites <3
All the Nightcore remixes but , Tiesto , plumb , basement jaxx , skrillex ofc lol , Umek , and Deetron first that come to mind ... but absolutely LOVE Pikachu - Aerion