Indie Dev

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Heyo! I'm new here and I have had RPG Maker VX Ace for a while now, and I just recently got MV. I'm an artist and I have been working on a visual novel called Viridescent Dragon for a few years. I have been wanting to make an rpg adaptation of it, but I kinda suck at using scripts, myself. I'm more of a character designer, and a writer. I'm looking forward to talking with you guys! :)


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Aww I'm more of a designer and writer too~ But I love eventing, mapping etc equally. Good luck with your game and have a nice time in the forums. See you around and have fun :D


Hi @Viridea . Making a game based on your novel. That sounds exciting. Welcome to the community.
Yeah, I hope I can do it, heh heh. Thanks so much for the warm welcome! :)
Aww I'm more of a designer and writer too~ But I love eventing, mapping etc equally. Good luck with your game and have a nice time in the forums. See you around and have fun :D
Oh wow, that's really cool! Thanks a whole bunch for the warm welcome! :D