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What is the Link to RMMV Forums You Tube?

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Staff member
One of the badges requires a member to upload a video to RMMV You Tube's official site. On You Tube, I see a lot of videos uploaded by SoulPour, but I did not find an official page for RMMV. Is there a particular you want the videos submitted to, or it can be placed anywher as long as RMMV Forums is mentioned?



Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
I can't say for certain, but I believe it counts if you either submit the video to @Xyphien for posting on the channel, or post it to your own channel with a link or mention of this site. :)
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Staff member
Resource Team

You can click this to go to the youtube page for our official page. Also, other links bring you to other places. You must have a video approved and added to our official page in order to get the badge, not upload it to your own youtube. The video can be anything from a promotional video to a review or tutorial on how to set up or use a resource, a spotlight on a resource, etc. In order to have a video submitted and accepted you must not have it on any other youtube channel, it must be decent quality/professional, etc.

I hope this helps explain your question a bit.
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