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What is the best way to distribute your Game?


Towns Guard
Hello everyone,

The title actually says all. Past couple of days I had been wondering, if I were to destribute a game (selling or giving away for free). What would be the best method to do that. I am totally new to this area and I don't think I am the only one. If anyone knows anything about it please comment. It would be much appreciated

My own idea was to create some sort of web page, or download link for everyone to download my free games.(paid ones will probably go on steam if that ever happens) The problem is, at the moment I have no budget to buy a domain name and to host my own website (yes, I am broke a.f.). Is there any other way to achieve the same goal?

Thank you all for reading,

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
There are a ton of free hosting options as well as a simple free domain name option, you can always use a .wordpress website as well to get it all started. I would recommend as I noticed it's not very limited and allows the user to control a ton of options with their own Cpanel. Then for a simple domain name that is 100% free is, you can register any domain under .tk, .gq, .ga, and a few others. I would recommend WordPress as your platform when you finally set up your hosting and domain name because WordPress is fast and efficient, on slower hosting servers like the free one I suggested. If you do decide to do a free website let me know if you need any help.

The next option for getting your game out there is to sign up to all RM communities and posting them in their forums, there are a ton of members who love to play demos or full free games and it's a great way to get feedback before going on to commercial. Hope this helps a little bit, there are always options to do things free but the downfalls for the free hosting is speed and the downfall for only communities is less people seeing it unless you advertise or get the word out somehow.


Towns Guard
@Mr. Trivel Oeh that actually looks pretty good, i'll check that out for sure.
@LTN Games Aah I rushed and made an account XD, later on I realized I didn't understand half of it. I'll manage it later on. Don't have that much time a.t.m. Thanks anyway for your answer. It looks really promising!