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What does it all mean?


When I create a new skill/state the Effects always mix me up. I can't tell if I am setting up an effect for the user or the receiver of the effect. How can I tell? The tool tip never indicates user or receiver specifically and I grope back and forth adjusting it till it appears right but I would love if someone could just plainly state what tab is for user, receiver and what a Pram actually is and who that is applied to. Sometimes I get it right, sometimes wrong :) I know others do too as I have seen it on Youtube but just having it written out would help me so much. Thank you!


Praised Adventurer
For Skills the Effects table will only affect the person who the skill is targeting (aka the skills scope). Obviously, some should not be used on certain targets; having an offensive skill teach a skill won't affect enemies and the "escape" option will cause the enemy to flee from battle instead of the player, however, the "common event" option is special in being the only effect that will work the same no matter the target. For States the Traits table will only affect those who are afflicted by the state. As for the Param, skill buffs and debuffs modify the selected parameter by 25% for the amount of turns you put, while state parameters affect the selected parameter by how much you change the multiplier until the state is removed. Are there any specific Params you have questions about?


I just want to know which ones apply to the user of the ability, and which ones apply to the receiver of the ability. I can't easily tell and seems always to be trial and error for me. Is the RECOVERY to the user of the skill or receiver of the skill? Does STATE go on user or the receiver? Are the PRAMS going on the user of the skill or the receiver of the skill? It's hard for me to tell and it doesn't really indicate it in the help files either, not clearly to me at least.

Also in States: RATE is applied to whom? user or the receiver? ATTACK goes on whom? How about
SKILL? and EQUIP? OTHER I understand.

I don't know if I am making myself clear :) I have put rage on the user when I meant to put it on the receiver after getting he gets nailed in the groin ...
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Praised Adventurer
So, for skills the effects always go onto the receiver, with the exception of the common event option, which will call the common event the same no matter who the skill is used on. If you have a fire spell that has the Recover HP effect it will recover HP on the one who the fire spell hits, if it also adds a state the state will be placed on the one who got hit, as well. For states the effects always go onto the one who currently has the state. If I had a state that seals the weapon slot and set the element rate of physical to 50% it would make it so I, personally, would be unable to use a weapon and all my physical attacks would deal half damage. This works with all the tabs, none are separated between user and receiver, some are just designed to be used with skills that target self or ally while others are not.

Put simply, the receiver will always be the one the effects tables work on, whether it makes sense or not.

I hope that helped clarify.


So, the rate tab in states, also go on the receiver. Meaning your target could be more or less affected by states for some skills/spells. Make your tank harder to KO sort of thing? If that's right, then I understand it. :) Thank you. I was wondering why attack skill had the attribute of 100% attack in it's listing and I wondered if you didn't define it if it wouldn't let the other attack at all.

(honestly, events are getting so much easier to figure out that now I am finally looking at other aspects of the program lol ) I was so proud when I figured out how to make an enemy common event to pilfer from the party, then yesterday, I saw there was a plugin for snatch-- that plugin has motion for it too, I'm still too green to manage too many plugins and once I get the basics down, I will be better able to use more plugins. I feel like a kid in the candy store with ooh I want that and I want that too.. Loving learning how to sprite and edit and then one day all these skills just popped out of me and I am still refining them.

Thanks for being so supportive here. It feels safe to ask questions-even perhaps oddly simple ones for some.


Praised Adventurer
So, the rate tab in states, also go on the receiver. Meaning your target could be more or less affected by states for some skills/spells. Make your tank harder to KO sort of thing? If that's right, then I understand it. :)
That is completely correct. =)

Glad I could help! You should always feel safe to ask questions of any kind, not everyone learns everything at the same rate and how else would you learn?