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What do we need in tutorial battles?


Praised Adventurer

Currently working on a plugin that let's you build in-game tutorials, among other things.
What kind of features do you think would be useful?


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
I can't think of anything a battle tutorial could introduce aside from the standard mechanics everyone knows already. It heavily depends on what your battle system looks like, I'd say. For example, in the Shadow Hearts games they use the "Judgement Ring" which makes your attacks a little more reaction-based. That's a little more complicated than simply hitting "Attack" over and over again. I'd say, if your battle system has some special mechanics, you should be able to introduce those. Special enemy weaknesses, targeting weak points, elements, special effects of different weapons, things like these. :D

Rise Evil

Praised Adventurer
Well, a battle tutorial is great when you've worked deeply to make your battle system different from RPG Maker's standard set. It's really great when you want to introduce the player with the new mechanics you put so they can alter their gameplay instead of relying mainly on the base. Therefore, I approve Tsukihime's idea for that ^^