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Voice Actor and Musician at your service.

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
Good day, ladies and gentlemen!

Codename: Iron Croc here.
I am slowly-but-surely making the plunge into RMMV.

Although I don't currently have the software, that doesn't mean I can't make connections with people and still contribute music and things. :D It's great to be here!

For starters, I love music. It's my life. Music runs in my blood. It keeps me sane oftentimes. I taught myself to play the flute by ear back in 2007 and I've even composing music since then as well. I've never looked back.

Here are a couple samples of my musical work.

As a voice over artist, I am aspiring, yes. I studied under Sylvia Aimerito and Tim Keenan.
While I love music and game development, VOICEOVER (or VO) is my passion.

I'd like to take the time to carify some things. Voice acting and voiceover are not the same thing. ALL VOICE ACTING is VO, but not all VO is Voice Acting. VO is the general and broad term for using your voice like this and INCLUDES voice acting. (Fun fact: the bread anf butter of many a voice actor's career is actually doing commercial and narrative spots!)

If you have any questions or wanna chat it up with a fellow VO, let me know!

Here are a couple examples of my voice work.

I look forward to getting to know everyone here. :)

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
YES!! I was wondering when you were going to show up lol :D Glad you made it here and look forward to seeing you around.


Dragon Goddess
hey there welcome to the crew! ^_^ hope you have a fun time here~ the people are really nice and helpful!


The Artist formerly known as Kaimen
Resource Team
Finally, man. Finally! We desperately need musicians here. I can't satisfy the demands all on my own. XD
About time you showed up, so... welcome to the forums where there's no "envy" only "MV". Let's make this awesome! ^_^


Staff member
Resource Team
Hello and welcome to the forums :D I hope to see you around, and looking forward to getting to know you.
Ohhh, I've listed to your VO's on Soundcloud and seen you around elsewhere and didn't quite connect the dots until now! Danza de los Monstros is still one of my favourites; now I know (remember) where it came from. ;)