Indie Dev

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Vitim Skies


Studious Dark Lord
Vitim Skies

Vitim Skies is a game that I have been working on for awhile now, the name is based on a Latin word (Guilty), so the title literally translates as Guilty Skies. This game has had a few ups and downs for me since at one point I lost ALL of my data... Since then I have been only half working on it because of my disappointment, it was really hard to get back into designing mode after I lost HOURS of work on it.

Anyways the story is about a young 20 year old man who woke upon a solid floating cloud and has no prior memory that led him to this place he'd awoken from. The only thing that he does know; however, is that he has an annoying voice in his head that calls himself the Narrator.

For more information on my characters refer to: Vincent: The Unnamed Wanderer


Dragon Goddess
as I said before, this seems cool. shame you lost all your data! I played your first demo and it was pretty interesting =) those happy slimes were so OP though ha ha

anyways, good luck and looking forward to seeing more!