Indie Dev

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Updates <3 10/7/2015


Staff member
Resource Team
Hey everyone, so I know some of these updates have been up for a day or two, but I'm just here to inform you all of the updates incase you didn't realise :D

You will notice 2 new sections in the navigation bar, Sponsor, and Badges.

Sponsor is a member upgrade that will give you a sponsored banner (Much like the Staff banner), as well as some awesome perks :D This helps us keep the site up and running, as well as allows us to upgrade it and add even cooler content, and even get our own custom MV resources for the members!

Badges: Badges ties in with the trophies. Everything you do will give you a badge/trophy, which will give you XP for your level. This will *Eventually* tie into your user title *New member, Active Member, etc. which we will change the names of as well*. The more stuff you do the more badges/trophies you will unlock. Look at them as achievements for doing various things around the forums :D

We've also added better rating systems to the forum. This way you don't just have to like a post, if it's funny, you can say it's funny, helpful, off topic, short post, etc. This way you can voice how you truly feel on the post (Something facebook should really add. *Cough*)

We've also added a dark theme for anyone who wishes to change to that. I know a lot of people prefer a Dark theme, and a lot also prefer a Light theme, so we've added both. If you scroll all the way down, in the bottom left you will either see Light or Dark, simply click on the text and you can choose the other theme.

Thank you all for joining the forums prior to the release of MV, and are here to help create this amazing community. You will all be rewarded with a trophy upon the release to show you all were pretty much 'beta testers' of this forum :D This way for many years, you will be able to show how long you've been here!