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Ummmmm i need help


Well my problem for now is the story of the game, at first i had an idea for a story but then its started to make no sense at all and i decide to remove my old cast and make a new one .... And this part is where i need you guys ..... I want you to create a story using these 4 characters like create your own storyline and also make a lore about the idea of the world you are making , and also i will credit you guys as well XD I hope this wont be a waste of your time THANKS
Melchi - male human
Jurei - Male elf
Afilia - female fairy
Felaro - male
I was thinking of a world that people dont know what magic was then each of the character i listed above
Will have their own story on how they obtained their magic
Note: i am willing to remove all of my scripts , maps and etc XD thank you
I hope you guys could help me


Residential Vampire
Might be a bit cliched, but how about a world which has forgotten how to conjure its inherent magics due to a Delirium that swept the world ages past. Each character is able to rewrite their ancestors' histories in order to restore the knowledge of magic to that bloodline (and each story can be quite different in regards as what to do, themes, etc.) as well as piece together what had purveyed the Delirium to begin with. This is loose so that you can put your own spin and bells and whistles onto it of course to make it not so bland~ but it might give you a solid starting point.


Towns Guard
Hey @INDRA II , it sounds like you want a whole story made by someone else? If so, I would not advise that. Using basics like given in the post above should be a good start from which you can develop.
For your ideas: I'm not sure if I understand you correctly - shall it be unknown that magic exists at all? Or how it works? Or how it is used? This might lead to very different stories.
Also: Shall the obtaining of the magic be part of the game? Or shall it have happened before, and they have these powers already to begin with?

Ideas for obtaining magic powers in a world which does not know magic:
-Divine intervention: Simple thing. There ARE deities in your world and one, or more, of them chose one of the characters to perform some task for them. For that, the character is granted with powers beyond that of a mere mortal.
-Demon Pact: A variation to the above one. A DARK variation. The character has some reason to make a pact with a demon (greed, hate, despair, some of that), who gives them dark and strange powers for the promise of the character's soul.
-Mutation: The character was born with their abilities, noone can really explain why. The character is considered a freak by most and thus wanders from place to place, searching for somewhere they can rest.
-Re-Finding ancient powers: The character is a bookworm, a REAL bookworm, and always liked ancient history and mythologies. Long ago, magic WAS known you see. So, after reading some interesting, almost-crumbling books on the topic, they searched for more, and, piece by piece the character figured out how to use magic.
-Touched the Right (or Wrong?) thing: One day, this curious character found a strange object out in the wild. They touched it and - BOOM - they lost conciousness. Upon waking, they have strange, unexplainable powers.


Residential Vampire
Something Jiriki9 mentioned gave me an idea that could impact the plot of the game.

What if the player had some control in how these characters find their magic? With some intricate eventing, you could effectively craft a plot in which the character(s) can take the easier/harder/moral/immoral/etc. routes on different playthroughs to develop their magic. Getting into more detail, you could even have different characters take different paths to magicdom, possibly letting players create in-party discord at their whim! I'm not sure if THAT has been done in an RPG before, where the party splitting or keeping harmony can be dictated by the player taking characters in opposing directions.

In that way the player can have a different experience/POV of the plot depending on their actions. Let the players feel the consequences of their choices~ Make a short game so it's not overwhelming, but with high replay value.


Thanks everyone XD I like FANgirls story alot XD thanks for giving the idea XD now..... I just need a teamu
Hey @INDRA II , it sounds like you want a whole story made by someone else? If so, I would not advise that. Using basics like given in the post above should be a good start from which you can develop.
For your ideas: I'm not sure if I understand you correctly - shall it be unknown that magic exists at all? Or how it works? Or how it is used? This might lead to very different stories.
Also: Shall the obtaining of the magic be part of the game? Or shall it have happened before, and they have these powers already to begin with?

Ideas for obtaining magic powers in a world which does not know magic:
-Divine intervention: Simple thing. There ARE deities in your world and one, or more, of them chose one of the characters to perform some task for them. For that, the character is granted with powers beyond that of a mere mortal.
-Demon Pact: A variation to the above one. A DARK variation. The character has some reason to make a pact with a demon (greed, hate, despair, some of that), who gives them dark and strange powers for the promise of the character's soul.
-Mutation: The character was born with their abilities, noone can really explain why. The character is considered a freak by most and thus wanders from place to place, searching for somewhere they can rest.
-Re-Finding ancient powers: The character is a bookworm, a REAL bookworm, and always liked ancient history and mythologies. Long ago, magic WAS known you see. So, after reading some interesting, almost-crumbling books on the topic, they searched for more, and, piece by piece the character figured out how to use magic.
-Touched the Right (or Wrong?) thing: One day, this curious character found a strange object out in the wild. They touched it and - BOOM - they lost conciousness. Upon waking, they have strange, unexplainable powers.
Thank you for your concern and thanks for the ideas on how to get the POWAHS XD HAHAHAAH THANKS


Staff member
It could be neat if they all discovered a different kind of magic.

Holy vs Evil
Natural vs Artificial
Chaotic vs Peaceful

That could give them personality clashes too.
For example, the Holy and Evil magic users would have opposite views which would lead to drama and differences to overcome.