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Trying to Make a 'Tru' 2D Game


Staff member
I was thinking of dimensions. For 3D, we have height, width, and depth. For 2D, we are suppose to have only height and width. Looking at a lot of traditionally classified 2D games, we actually do encounter a lot of 3D. Look at the placement of a traditional building in basically any RPG Maker. On the map, it gets a 3D representation. The buildings, inside and out, have width, height, and depth. Another characteristic of 3D is the ability of a character to go 'behind' something.

What I am going to attempt to do, is make a 'Tru', yes I know it is not spelled correctly, 2D game. Buildings will have width and height; trees will likewise be the same. Basically with buildings, trees, boulders, etc. occur there will be total impassibility. Yes, the bottom most tile, of these, may be passable to allow characters to walk 'in front' of them. Another aspect of the "Tru" 2D game is not walking through grasses. This is make it make challenging to have critters hiding in grass, but I will find another strategy.

It will require almost totally original artwork. RPG Maker Character Generators create characters that show a human-like shape. Simple characters would have to be made. The front, back, side, and other side would almost have to be symmetrical. This would give the appearance of not having depth.

I am attempting to create this effect for the Ball People games. It may be a core aspect of Ole Skool Gamez.

I almost forgot....NO shadows.

I will provide screenshots later.
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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Ohhhh, this sounds, challenging, and I like challenges lol. When you mentioned doing only 2 Dimensions I instantly thought of a really philosophical movie I watched a little while back, it's call flatland. I believe if you skim through this, or even watch some of it, it may give you great ideas for your maps and game in general. Here is a youtube video I found of the flatland movie, I hope it works in you region.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
This is a great idea, and unique from a lot of RM games, I don't think I've ever seen this idea before. I'm excited to see how it all works out for you. If you need any help with this project, do let me know, I may be busy but I can alway find time to help someone out, and I like the way this project sounds :D


Staff member
A sample of this concept is in A Ball People Winterfest . I am also debating if even the shadowing of overhead clouds would violate the 'Tru" 2D concept. Of course the cloud shadows are two to three circles combined, to keep them simple looking.


Waiting for a screenshot, because I can't really understand what you are talking about to be honest. Too sleepy at the moment. >_<


Ahh okay I see. Clever way to simplify the visual work needed by using that gimmick. Reminds me of my old projects on Mario Paint. ^^


Staff member
This looks exactly like how I would imagine south park would display RPG Maker if Stan, Kyle, Cartman, and Kenny, got a hold of RMMV.
I lived through the early 2D era of computer gaming. The very earliest game we had to make in computer science class, in the mighty language called BASIC, was to make a spaceship fly across the screen. How was this done? By getting a > or < sign, and have it move to the left or to the right, depending which sign you used.

We are talking about really Ole Skool Gamez. (smile)