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Titan City


Towns Guard

This is my current project. I’m using RPGMaker MV to craft a game simple in concept, and yet epic in scope of what I have planned for Knuckles.

The year is 2050 AD

Titan City has been plagued by a catastrophic homeless epidemic for decades now, and over that time it has gotten increasingly worse.

While the Bums are bad enough, Titan City also has a serious drug upsurge, with the latest craze being Terminal, a drug that slows your heart to an extreme state, and induces near death experiences; the OD rate is 90% DOA.

Basic housing is a major concern, with over half of the city’s population being homeless; while the ones who have an apartment downtown are often victims of extortion and theft from their Slum Landlords.

Then there are the brain-scrambled Creational Sciensanity cultists that have popped up on every street corner, babbling incoherent scripture about the ancient Lizard God, Ragnarok; they haven’t hurt anyone… yet.

"The Daughters of Cain", a gang of female bikers has taken to looting, and kidnapping women on occasion, and even set fire to the military hospital in Bella Gardens.

For the protection of the citizens of Titan City, the police Commissioner has ramped up his efforts to keep the peace, which included unleashing a full battalion of the latest drones onto the streets.



Knuckles takes place in the same universe, and time, as ALICE, which is a Dream Project of mine that I pitched to Adobe, but didn’t get the green light. Follow this link to Titan City's Tumbr Page.


I've managed to carve a small chunk of time recently to devote to working on KNUCKLES. Here are a few WIP images that give a good feel for how I'm envisioning this project.

Knuckle's Alley.png

!Tenth Ave.png
!303 Church Lofts.png
And this image in particular is an early WIP, as I have many animations still to finish:
Knuckles Actor - Normal.png
This battler file is twice the size of the default battler. Larger file, but extra level of detail can go into creating actors and enemies.
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