I am having a similar Problem, MV should have a Option under the Timer to create a "Upon End of Timer" branch. Here is my Code, the problematic part I have underlined. (This is a timed Inn that will kick you out after a certain time until the Pass item is acquired - just to clarify :D)
◆If:Pass is ON
◆Text:People3(4), Transparent, Bottom
:Text:Greetings, To enter you must pay our
◆Text:People3(4), Transparent, Bottom
:Text:Oh! I see you have an Inn Pass! Jolly Good.
:Text:Please do proceed, Pardon Me, madam...
◆Set Movement Route:This Event (Wait)
:Set Movement Route:◇Move Up
:Set Movement Route:◇Move Right
:Set Movement Route:◇Turn Left
◆Text:None, Transparent, Bottom
:Text:Greetings, To enter, you must pay our customary fee of
:Text:25G! If you want a Pass, Please speak with the merchant
◆Show Choices:Pay 25G, Leave (Transparent, Right, -, -)
:When Pay 25G
◆Change Gold:- 50
◆Set Movement Route:This Event (Wait)
:Set Movement Route:◇Move Up
:Set Movement Route:◇Move Right
:Set Movement Route:◇Turn Left
◆Control Timer:Start, 5 min 0 sec
◆If:Timer ≤ 0 min 0 sec
◆Jump to Label:End Timer
◆Label:End Timer
◆Text:People3(4), Transparent, Bottom
◆Transfer Player:Oakenshore Town (24,9) (Direction: Down)
:When Leave
◆Set Movement Route:Player (Wait)
:Set Movement Route:◇Move Down
Thanks in Advance,
BeeTree02 :)