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Time for some sprite design and- ...Oh dear...


Decided to do some sprite design for my project and got partway through before realising... there is now a thing called side view battlers... So doomed...

Walking and even damage sprites are okay but those battler sprites are making the process four times harder! Getting my characters ponytail to move right seems impossible right now and I'm a little annoyed that his fringe (thankfully a standard MV one) doesn't already have movement (Why not?! The walking animation of the fringe has movement!). I feel twice as discouraged since positioning his scars for his body's movement was rather simple but I just can't grasp this. T.T

Sigh... I guess I mostly wished to express my frustrations but if anyone has any advice on this sort of thing then I would gladly accept it.

Ravani Lestari

Towns Guard
Decided to do some sprite design for my project and got partway through before realising... there is now a thing called side view battlers... So doomed...

Walking and even damage sprites are okay but those battler sprites are making the process four times harder! Getting my characters ponytail to move right seems impossible right now and I'm a little annoyed that his fringe (thankfully a standard MV one) doesn't already have movement (Why not?! The walking animation of the fringe has movement!). I feel twice as discouraged since positioning his scars for his body's movement was rather simple but I just can't grasp this. T.T

Sigh... I guess I mostly wished to express my frustrations but if anyone has any advice on this sort of thing then I would gladly accept it.
Well, first off, do you really want to use the sideview battle? You could use front view and still make an interesting game. IMO, sideview takes much more time to work with when you could be spending more time sorting out what kind of game you want, the storyline, what you want in your demo, etc.

I would like sideview battles as well and have sprites that are more along the lines of Fighting game character sprites, but if I can't have them right away, just use frontview until you have a demo, and then once you distribute the demo, people might be interested and start helping you out. That is my plan at least. :)


Well, first off, do you really want to use the sideview battle? You could use front view and still make an interesting game. IMO, sideview takes much more time to work with when you could be spending more time sorting out what kind of game you want, the storyline, what you want in your demo, etc.

I would like sideview battles as well and have sprites that are more along the lines of Fighting game character sprites, but if I can't have them right away, just use frontview until you have a demo, and then once you distribute the demo, people might be interested and start helping you out. That is my plan at least. :)
Certainly an idea. Because you're right, I don't really want to waste all my time struggling with this so early in the piece.


you can double the image size of the sv battler files and it gives you far more control over getting the sprites right. it's all about how much time you wanna put in.

Isaac The Red

Towns Guard
Don't sweat the small stuff. If you want to use the SV battle system go for it, and use 'close enough' sprites for now. Take a break from trying to get it perfect and work on the less self torture filled areas of the game. Don't drain the fun out of this hobby for yourself by stressing over one aspect for too long. You can come back to it later.

Spriting get's harder each time the sprite size increases. Working on the little awalking sprites is almost simple. but even the side view sprites in 2k3 were a pain. Also the tools your using make a difference too, what are you doing your work in?