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Plugin Time Control/Travel

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I've been developing a time control/travel system, it actually started out as a normal and basic time system for my current project about 2months ago I left it aside only to come back to it last week. In my free time I've been developing more features for it, so far I have the basic time system and clock displaying on the map but along with that, I created the ability to save a timed event including the current location of the player to allow for time travel. This plugin will not only focus on time travel but time in general, I want to make this time system so it's easier for developers to create events with a timer on them, making it easier for farming games to be developed.

My next steps for this plugin are:
  • Automatic time event recording set at an interval the developer chooses.(90% complete)
  • A separate window "Time Controller Device" to allow for easy selection of all saved time events and quick travel back to that time and location.
  • Allow for saving of all map event's locations so when you travel all events are where they were when you recorded the time.
  • Allow setting timed events for easier development of farming/crop/mining etc style mechanics in your game.
Here is a small video showcasing what I have completed so far, more videos to come soon!

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Ooohhh... This look fascinating. I shall have to investigate it further... :3
I'll be releasing a bigger video showing all the features sometime this week but right now I'm focusing on my Core plugin and my current game project but should be sooner than later.


Resident Dragon
I'll be releasing a bigger video showing all the features sometime this week but right now I'm focusing on my Core plugin and my current game project but should be sooner than later.
But of course! I'm still a looooooong way off from implementing anything remotely like this

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
But of course! I'm still a looooooong way off from implementing anything remotely like this
Are you new to RPG Maker ? Or do you just mean development wise, like you're not far enough in your project development to implement it?


Resident Dragon
Are you new to RPG Maker ? Or do you just mean development wise, like you're not far enough in your project development to implement it?
Bit of both. Development wise, I'm fleshing out my core content (which I can change or adjust later if needed), plus I need to teach myself how to effectively use scripts and plugins without sounding like a total noob XD

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Okay cool, Well, you'd be surprised how easy it is to implement a plugin into your project and most plugins have well-written instructions and I strive to make my plugins easy. Soon enough you won't be able get enough plugins in your project (wink)


Resident Dragon
Okay cool, Well, you'd be surprised how easy it is to implement a plugin into your project and most plugins have well-written instructions and I strive to make my plugins easy. Soon enough you won't be able get enough plugins in your project (wink)
Hahaha Now I gotta strive to get a demo done! :D

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Now that I have the basics of my Time Control plugin implemented it's time to think of a few extra features to include and polish the current state of it. I was hoping for some ideas and opinions from the community for what to do next, as it stands right now the Time Control is basically a teleporter system, which just so happens to change the time along with it. That being said, what do you believe I can add which will make it different from a teleport system?

Here is a quick video showing you the menu I been working on showing all time events recorded, in the video I set the time to record every 5 minutes, you will also see me recording times manually and traveling back using a Scene I've created.

Right now, the time travel will teleport you to the location you were when the time was recorded with all items intact the only thing that really changes is your location and the time. I do plan on including all events in that map as well, which means all events will go back to their original location(not affecting self-switches or switches) from when the time was recorded. At the moment the actual animations shown when time traveling is just a common event which activates when you click ok to time travel. Anyways let me know what you think and please if you have any ideas, don't hold back. Cheers (cool)

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
So now that I finally finished the main Time Engine as well as Day and night cycles which is the main part of the time travel plugin I can finally starting working on this add-on again. I never did much because I've been working on a Window Core plugin as well as working with my team for Sock Quest but I started to tweak the Time Device scene a bit more and I have a screenshot to show everyone. Unfortunatly the screenshots this plugin takes, uses a bit of cpu each time so it skips the game a tiny bit every screenshot or every time event recorded, I'll figure something out.

Next update should be much larger.


LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I'm glad you're interested, the lack of interest for this plugin made me put it aside while I worked on other ones. Now that there is a few more recognizing it I will pick It back up.


Praised Adventurer
@LTN Games ...

I'm not sure that 'lack of interest' is the most appropriate term in this case. For my own part, there are so many fabulous creations (yours included, of course...), that it is difficult to absorb them quickly enough, and still maintain a modicum of control over my Projects in hand. There are not enough hours in the day to go through all the wonderful functionality that is offered on an almost daily basis. Not, then, 'lack of interest' (quite the opposite, in my case..!), but 'lack of time', time to integrate everything into the scenario, the game-play, the ethos of the Project. If anything, I'd say 'Slow down..!', but would earnestly encourage you to continue, and not to feel downhearted or neglected simply because we are too submerged to express full appreciation. This, to your good self, but equally to others to whom 'silence' equates with 'forgotten'. Give us time, please (more so for myself, as I'm horrendously slow at the best of times..!
'Lack of interest'..? Nah, not for work of this quality..!

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Thanks for bringing this up @Dad3353 you make a very good point, I myself remember how overwhelming it was to do a simple search for a plugin(or back in VX ace days it was "scripts") and being bombarded with other scripts giving me a ton of ideas. I also understand that new RPG Developers may have complications with understanding plugins at first and try and learn one at a time and ignoring the rest until they do so. Anyways, I do plan on finishing this, I just put it aside while I work on a few others, nonetheless, I do plan on adding it back to the table shortly. Thanks for your input :)
[doublepost=1474654491,1474314703][/doublepost]Alright, so progress is slow, only because I had to implement a half decent note tag system for the spawn events feature. This feature allows you to set a time of day that you would like an event to activate a switch. So basically a simple implementation for farming events, mining or any type of event you would like to spawn every hour, day, month, year etc. It's as simple as using the notetag in a comment of an event

<Spawm: context switch year month day hour minute>

For example, I want my farming plots to spawn every day at 8am I would simply do this.
<Spawn: self A x x x 8 x>
Now my event will activate itself switch 'A' everyday at 8AM. You can also use a global switch by simply replacing 'self' with 'global' and instead of a letter use the number of the global switch.

<Spawn: global 6 x x x 6 x>
You could easily set up just one event with this notetag and have the rest of the events attached to a global switch which will turn on at 6AM every day.

There is still a lot of work to do, I would like to make it so you can have an event activate a switch every 2 hours or every 2 days etc as it stands right now it can only be every hour, every day, every month or every year.
The good news is I have a half decent notetag system(not amazing) which is good enough to create a few more notetags for this plugin which should broaden the features a bit more. This add-on for the Time Engine is becoming rather large, and I plan on adding a few more surprise features before release.

Let me know what you guys think of the current notetags, is it too much? Should it be made simpler?

I started a youtube channel and plan on crating a base video template to preview all plugins I have in development, so here is the first video preview of Time Control: Spawn Events feature. Not the greatest video, I tried filling in the waiting time gap with some reading lol I promise my next videos will be more fun, I hope, of course it all depends on my free time lol.

[doublepost=1474743144][/doublepost]Here is a quick GIF preview of my farming plots changing every hour. From seed to plant to weeds.


Cool as always LTN. I am almost done with my crops. I was thinking of adding sugar cane next.
In game screenshot I even have the mill working.

Just thought of something you can even use it for spawning mobs. Having different levels spawn at different times. That is so cool. This is a 10 in my book.

Could you add an if statement so that the first page would say if time is 6am it will load page 2 or something like that.

Now look what you have done my creative streak is off the scale. JK lmao
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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Those are looking really good, I would love to see sugar cane as a crop as well :) You know, I need some crops for my plugins master demo, will you be releasing these tiles free for non-commercial? As it stands right now I'm using the rural farm tileset crops but I won't be able to have those in the demo I share so it would be nice to have some when I release it publicly.
Just thought of something you can even use it for spawning mobs. Having different levels spawn at different times. That is so cool. This is a 10 in my book.
Yes, I think with what I have you could easily use the Spawn note tag in a comment to spawn random enemies of your choice.
Could you add an if statement so that the first page would say if time is 6am it will load page 2 or something like that.
Yes, basically in the gif preview above I have it set to change the page everytime it reaches the 35th minute in the hour. Obviously, you would set it to be everyday or every month but for testing purposes the quicker it goes the quicker I finish the plugin lol.

I'm glad someone is excited about this plugin, if you would like to test it before release and help me out shoot me a PM and I'll send you the current version.


I will do more than test it out after i get the sugar cane done I will zip up my crop and put it on my midia fire i will send you the link when i am done. Oh do you want the water mill as will the wind mill is not animated or i can zip the hole lot and let you pic but it is still a WIP. But i will let you use it. It will have the same license as all the others. lol If i had different licenses i would get too confused. Oh and it still needs icons.

Note to all modders, You can use my creations in your demos no need to ask.

Just got done with the crops. Here is the screenshot


I think I did a good job getting them all on one screen. lol
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