Indie Dev

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Morning! I'm trying to add new tilesets to my project and I need some help. If anyone could post a step-by-step tutorial, I would be thanked! (My english is not so good, sorry)


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
You can just copy and paste the tileset into the folder with the tilesets in the graphic folder. You just have to open your project folder and then put the tileset in the folder and edit the passabilty in the database of mv. I can't show you exactly every step rn since I'm not at home but there'll be someone to answer your questions more accurately bc I'm bad at explaining, sorry (sleep)
If you have other problems you can post it in the mv support forums (wink)


Staff member
Morning! I'm trying to add new tilesets to my project and I need some help. If anyone could post a step-by-step tutorial, I would be thanked! (My english is not so good, sorry)
Are they custom made tilesets, or are they tilesets that you downloaded and you like to add to your images?
Do you want them available for all of your games or just specific games?