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Thoughts and help on Exp.


So I guess I've been a little busy bee on the forums here and my head has
been abuzz with ideas for my game. And I really don't want to be a bother
to everyone so this is the one other discussion I wanted to post about today.

Im super new to the whole RPG maker scene and the thing I found hardest
was monster balance. How much attack they had, defense, etc. But the one
thing that I found much harder was the Exp they dropped to how much my
heros needed to grow. Now I looked a few things up about it and read a few
things and it still didn't quit help. I did read one persons way going about it.
Which was the Paper Mario route which is 100 experience as what you needed
to get to every level which in my opinion didn't sound to bad, but I felt might be
an easy cop out of trying to make the leveling easier.

So can anyone help me with this little problem I have.
It should be a sort of exponential curve, with EXP required at the start being low, then greater as you get to higher levels, and monsters lategame drop more exp accordingly.

Adjust for the number of encounters via playtesting.


Do you know any good starting numbers? Or anything of that sort. I feel like
if I tried to just start I wouldn't know how to go about the gradual curve, thats
my biggest problem, I know that there is some amount of math involved like
the level you think most players should be leaving the first dungeon and what not.


Ah, ok ok.
I think It would be a lot more simple that way than going
for a different way say like how pokemon or FF does it
with all sorts of mixed numbers and such.

Now I just need to work on Exp from monsters haha


I always liked the "chapter" version of levelling. you dont level up by XP, you do so by completing story Quests. :P but your mileage may vary. in the case of actual XP levelling, I tend to use a progression as described above like 100, 200, 300, 400, etc.


@Maebius So you mean like Chrono Cross when you beat a monster you
specific state ups and when you beat a boss you actually get a level up.

See I would like to do something interesting like this but I wouldn't know
how to go about it in my game. I like the idea of being able to level up with
the story so you don't have to go around for half an hour trying to gain a
level or two to be a little stronger than the next boss