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Things I'd like to see in RMMV


I understand that RMMV and it's predecessors are designed to be standalone but many people use external programs to enrich the content being developed and I feel it is encouraged for more than basic output. Creating easier pathways for users to accomplish this may benefit both the platform and empower users in ways that set RPGM at greater distance from similar programs and make it equally or more approachable at the same time.

I dont make a secret about my non-developer status, at least in context to games. I develop things in Excel and Access but that's an entirely different structure and mindset than what we do here - mostly.

Workflow and good practice is typically universal across any development platform. With that, there are things I hope RMMV dev teams incorporate especially now they've move from Ruby to JS.

1.) create a template database in XML and CSV for use in external editors (like Excel, Numbers, Sheets, or Open Office) with the ability to import directly to RMMV. This would offer users better control and broad access to a straightforward development of game mechanics.

For example, the template would have pre-defined table headers and the user would fill in the content directly. If I wanted to have my characters multiclass, it's just a matter of flipping a switch in RMMV so the XML or CSV header was read, otherwise ignored. Then if the primary class was FIGHTER, any subclass of FIGHTER would become part of the FIGHTER class tree. Likewise, if a developer wanted to incorporate TRAITS / SKILLS / SPELLS to classes or subclasses they could assign them in the same fashion in one direct approach rather than one at a time. I can write things like this in VBA quickly and easily, but because I dont know the platform of RMMV anywhere close to what I know Excel, AND it would require tampering with the core script I would be more comfortable leaving it to the official Devs.

2.) Direct exportation of assets to popular external applications. Rather than hunting down the different folders for tilesets, character faces, etc - do a 'lump and dump" to a folder for quick and easier access with PS, GIMP, TileD, or any other editing program and add an import switch to pull back to RMMV. I just requires a strict naming structure for files but that's actually a very minor and simple thing in any program.

What are other things you'd like to see?
The XML thing you can do and they've even brought out software to make maps like you used to in RPGMaker XP because it's all just XML formats. Anyone could make this as a note, they wear their backend on their sleeve in this version. With the direct exporting that'd require it to save both the png and the psds because you don't want to export the psd in your game unless you want a 20gb download for a 2d RPG lol. I'd like better graphic things in the way of folder built straight into the system.

In terms of other things I'd like a better foundation, why do I need to set the resolution and be happy with it? I'm currently making the game in 1280x720 but if I make it fullscreen it doesn't go to 1080p. Why isn't it more user friendly to add controls? I'd love to add a whole bunch of controls however adding them in to my game in a user friendly way isn't available. How many PC games do you know with 7 buttons and directional? No I'd like to be able to define a button and say in the database:
"Weapon 1 Button: Default 1" and then it to be added and the player be able to customise it instead of going into code.

It's good but I'd like that...


The XML thing you can do and they've even brought out software to make maps like you used to in RPGMaker XP because it's all just XML formats. Anyone could make this as a note, they wear their backend on their sleeve in this version. With the direct exporting that'd require it to save both the png and the psds because you don't want to export the psd in your game unless you want a 20gb download for a 2d RPG lol. I'd like better graphic things in the way of folder built straight into the system.
I guess what I was more leaning toward was the entire databasing setup. It would be much simpler to export a prefab spreadhseet, fill it in through excel or another program, and import the saved file.

I understand that the plugins may have to be retooled, but if the plugins were written to add to the core export file columns and dependency tags, it would make several aspects of developing simpler, and faster.

Just fill it in and bam. Forget or want to alter something - export, fill, import. All the relevant controls and tweaks wouldn't need heavy tagging while allowing the scripting folks to gain more control over very finite things in their plugins - it may also make testing easier because you'll immediately see if one plugin added a conflicting column.

Mapping, yeah there's a lot of stuff out there already which is why I feel like RPGM users tend to apply focus on areas less important than others (IE. Form over function - which contributes to the skeptical nature commercial titles are seen in Steam and a few other places from RPGM).

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I like everyone suggestions here and I would love to be able to do the database without clicking tabs back and forth just to get everything done, a spreadsheet would be awesome.
I also don't like the lack of control for tiles and event graphics, I know there plugins to get around some of the setbacks but there should not have to be. For example, I would like to be able to have more control on what is passable and what is above and below the player, I find there are tiles that sometimes should be above the player and sometimes below the player.
The auto-tiles are notorious for this issue, for example, there is no way in hell I can make a tall building and make some of those tiles passable and above the player, the player just walks into it and can't move, just silly lol. I should not have to parallax map to accomplish this, or use pictures and events to bypass it, there should just be extra controls while editting the map, ie the star passable, ladder, passable/unpassable tags should be available when you want to bypass the defualts, just like the region tiles.