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theme: blue

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This site looks like it was conceived The only major differences I see are and the colors. I suggest an option for blue forum theme like It was a lot easier for me to read.

A color selector would be great if possible.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
There is a white one, is this not good enough ? So you can choose down at the end of the site (if you use dark theme it says dark and you can click on it. If light theme it says light) did you try these yet ? Theres a bar down there
Idk if it's so easy to create these themes tho. You should ask @Xyphien there. I saw white and blue ski shoes recently, looked good and would fit to the forums lol nvm XD


In my opinion, it looks nothing like said forum. Then again, most forums have similar features (don't even get me started on the Vbulletin and phpbb3 clones!) since they all basically serve the same purpose.


I love the black theme, more is always cool though. They've already made more themes since I've been here also, so I wouldn't doubt if more were coming. :)

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Vxan does not have badges, nor a resource database, IMO this community is nothing like vxan. The themes are changeable, we have a dark and light theme, which are the main ones. Future themes are possible in the future. Right now though we are focusing on organization of the forums and extra features. A new theme may be a little while yet.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
We dont really wanna look like the other forums tho. We want to stay the special and nice community we are and dont wanna "become one with" the other forums XD

But if the themes hurt your eyes thats sad. We just had the chrismas themes a short time ago but christmas is over now


Staff member
Resource Team
We're fairly different from VX Ace in many ways. They're using IPB forum software which is a completely different forum software than ours (XenForo). They only have one white common IPB theme with default node icons
<- We have two themes, a dark and a bright theme, with custom node icons. They are extremely simplistic, and easy to use. I'm not saying VXAce's theme isn't good, I am however saying our themes are completely different (cute)

As for topics they have a lot more than ours, which is completely understandable because they have a lot more people and traffic so it makes since.

Functionality and addons, we have some similar content. This is because IPB and Xenforo are both next gen, professional forum software, and have similarities such as the status updates. @LTN Games they actually have something similar to badges called Awards, however they do not have a leveling system that we do. We have a lot of unique features added onto the site such as the Wiki. leveling system, a resource database that allows you to not only upload and download resources, but also sell resources and games on our resource database.

One of the biggest things is... They focus primarily on VX Ace and we focus primarily on MV (joking)

As for the themes we will be sticking with the two themes we currently have as of now for the near future and will be releasing occasional themes based on events that happen, such as Christmas, Halloween, etc. I myself @Xyphien make the theme changes, edit the codes, etc. manually, and the more themes we have the longer updates take place as when I add something to the forums I have to add it to each theme individually. With two themes I can knock them out fairly quick, but when we had 4 for Christmas one update would take be 2x as long.

Thank you so much for taking the time to voice your opinion, I do not want you to feel that I was being negative in any way shape or form, I was just trying to explain the differences between us, and to let you know my views and ideas about the topic. I try to go as in depth as I can on all feedback and try to let you know my thought process to each decision. It means a lot when users take the time out of their day to tell us how the feel, and what they think we should improve on. It means a lot, and I hope to hear some more from you in the near future.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Wow I didn't know you had to update everything for every theme (this was probably a shitload of work around Christmas but the themes were awesome). Don't worry no one will take this negatively. An idea is a neutral thing, isn't it ? Our forum is awesome as it is but I'm always looking forward to see new stuff and improvements. It is somethings very special compared to other forums and I love it


Right, I meant to ask if it was brought about by the same people.. i was pretty tired and skipped the question part (haha!) that they aren't by the same group seems clarified :) I see two theme options and I use the light theme. It's a matter of productivity that i intend to address. My brain works hard on this forum compared to the other. I was thinking it may be the colors, red instead of blue. Red or blue in combination with white or black is very easy to define by the brain and make it quicker to separate sections for a streamlines browsing experience. I was thinking replacing the red with blue would help. after going to the other sight and looking at the headers of sections I noticed the the headers are embossed(have depth) and the whole section is inset with margin, the background being a lighter color of the same. It's a lot less stress on the eyes. I understand the tediousness of web design. I just wanted to point it out :)


Yea I think maaaaybe your topic was taken the wrong way a little bit.

As a fellow forum admin, I know how tedious it can be designing a new layout. >_< If it wasn't for the Dark theme I'd probably be complaining though. White background kills my eyes. X_X


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
The point is kind of null by now, but I don't actually think this forum would look that good in blue. Everything from our logo/banner to our mascot was made to work with the white, red, and black color scheme. The Winter Wonderland scheme worked alright, but it still seemed a bit "off" to me. (smile)
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