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The World of Nathakra: The Infernal Scar

Hey all, long time RPG Maker tinkerer (started with RPG Maker 2000) but only since VX Ace have I become more passionate about it. I am currently in the middle of making my first full length, heavily story driven RPG based on a fantasy realm I created long ago called Nathakra.

The story revolves around Ronan, the common "Underdog who must become more to save the world" type story, but it includes another one of my passions which is Greek Mythology. Think of it as Fantasy-Greek Mythology fusion. I started the game in VX Ace but put it on the back burner when I decided I didn't quite have the utilities I wanted to bring Nathakra to life. Nathakra itself has been in development for over 6 or 7 years now with a novel in development, board game, trading card game (which is 97% complete) and this video game which is the culmination of my efforts.

I have included the synopsis below as well as a link to the official opening intro video I completed for the game not 1 week ago. Would love any feedback (positive or negative) on the intro to my game which can be seen here. It may not be for everyone but it is indeed my passion and after 7+ years, has become of part of who I am.

A playable demo is almost completed and ready for testers (first 15-20 mins of story). It is (thus far) 100% 1 man project and has been a dream of mine for longer than I can remember. It will be available on PC and Android...eventually...

At the end of the second age, the most powerful and ancient of races on Nathakra, the Archons, second only to the Gods themselves, drove evil and all its darkness back into the depths from where it had once been contained.

The Archons sacrificed themselves and their power to create a magical relic that could seal the doorway to the Underworld.

Once created, Archonis, the oldest and last Archon, used it to seal the doorway with the aid of a Guardian. A protector of the realm chosen by the Gods.

This cataclysmic event, called The Binding, left a horrible mark on the face of Nathakra shattered the magical relic. This mark became known as The Infernal Scar.

As the land became fertile once again and some semblance of peace and freedom returned to Nathakra, the minions of evil that survived fled to the outer rims of the world.

The races of order and light had finally regained control of their world and from the ashes rose great cities, traditions and stories. The Archons and great Gods themselves were all but forgotten.

Gorgons, Minotaurs, and other evil beasts now wander the dark, shadow filled places of Nathakra. The Gods may be gone but the Fates are ever present, tugging at the destinies of all.

As the stories of old faded from memory and the races of light began to forget, evil began to push back and unbeknownst to all, the Infernal Scar cracked open.

As the ground shook and the sky darkened, a small few realize...evil is coming.

Chronicle of Nathakra
Second Age

Official Opening Video


Staff member
I read that the demo will be shortly available for PC and Android. What would be the delay for Mac, since all three options are just a click away?
I read that the demo will be shortly available for PC and Android. What would be the delay for Mac, since all three options are just a click away?
Thanks for the reply. Being an IT specialist in real life, I am very much pro PC/Android as it makes up the bulk of what people use day to day (in business/residential) least where I am from and PC/Android gives me a little more freedom than Apple does. I do not want to start a PC vs MAC debate here though so I will just leave it at 'both have their merits and faults'. I suppose it would be silly for me to not release a stand alone install for MAC though wouldn't it?? So to answer your question, yes I will release it on MAC as well :)

Specifically concerning IOS though, I simply cannot afford the $100 US a year to become an apple developer so it will not be available on apple mobile least not at this time :)


Staff member
I am myself, Pro-PC, but with it comes to games releases, I deploy both. In game dev competitions, having multiple platforms helps a lot. Thanks for answering the question. With RPG Maker, three platforms are supported. It is just a matter of pressing a different button, with no additional expense required.
I am myself, Pro-PC, but with it comes to games releases, I deploy both. In game dev competitions, having multiple platforms helps a lot. Thanks for answering the question. With RPG Maker, three platforms are supported. It is just a matter of pressing a different button, with no additional expense required.
Yes I realize the three platforms are a button away but uploading an iOS app to the apple store requires a developer license which I am not prepared to get at this time. Definitely get the reasoning though, the more I can deploy on the better :) Thanks again
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I see you are getting close to having the demo done. When is the projected demo release date?
I am hoping to have the demo released in 2-3 weeks. I could probably release it tomorrow but I have kept this story/realm/fantasy world close to my chest for the past 6 to 7 years and it's hard to open it up to the world. Whether or not people like it won't really change the way I feel about it, just hard to let it go...does that make sense? ANYWAY...It will be a short demo, only first 20 mins of story/gameplay or so but enough to introduce the story, some of the core game play mechanics and a few of the main characters. :)
[doublepost=1458661315,1458661048][/doublepost]Well it looks like due to the size restriction of Google Play APK files, my game, for the time being, will NOT be released on Android after all. Google allows an APK file of 50MB with 2 expansions of up to 2GB each, however, there is no way to really break up the game into expansions within RPG Maker (as far as I am aware)...yet? (plugin?)

There is a plugin for DLC content but this just re-writes over the APK file with updates/changes/addons leaving the saved content in far as I understand anyway...

Also, due to the fact that I do not own a Mac nor know anyone that has a Mac, I will not release it on that platform either...UNLESS someone out there in RPG Maker Land is willing to test for me :). If anyone is interested in that, message me and we can discuss what would be involved.

EDIT: I suppose I could still release an APK file downloaded from an external source (I.E. Not the Google Play store)....hmmm not sure I am a fan of that idea though...
[doublepost=1459354776][/doublepost]The DEMO is complete. I am uploading it today to my website and will be writing up the breakdown today/tomorrow which will be posted in the
"Demos & Testing" soon along with the download link!


This looks like a great game. If you don't mind me asking may I ask what software did you use to make that intro video?
This looks like a great game. If you don't mind me asking may I ask what software did you use to make that intro video?
Thanks! I used a combination of Adobe After Effects CS6 and ProShow to compile everything.

On another note, this project has stalled for the time being (Demo is done) as it is summer now and I am spending most of my free time playing with my 3 year old son :). I will post when things pick up once again.