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The Wisps and Elementals Store


Staff member
Want a customized wisp or elemental battler? This is the store to shop at. I have a multitude of elementals, wisps, beholders, and Ball People/Ball Creatures that are found HERE You can one based on one of these, are you can have a totally new concept for a battler.

Here is a sample of the free for public and custom commercial elemental and wisp battlers.


Most elemental battlers, that I have made are 100 X 100 pixels, but I have made them as small as 70 X 70 pixels, and as large as 400 X 400 pixels. The size of the standard MV sv_actor is 64 X 64 pixels.

Prices are determined by the complexity of the project. I can make battlers, faces, sv_actors, and characters. Maybe you desire the entire graphics package.
Simple battlers start at $1 USD.
Simple edits of pre-existing battlers $.50 USD.
*Minimum $1 purchase.
Payment made through Paypal.