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The website is too slow


Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca
So I took a long break from here, I come back it is practically unusable and slow, and I constantly have to refresh in order for it to load anything. This place has gone downhill alot since i went on a hiatus. Is anyone going to fix this, or will it stay like this, if it does stay like that I will probably leave, as I cannot use it at its current state.

problems I have :
  • when i try and load the forum its really slow and sometimes I get a white page
  • slow loading everything on this site makes my PC slow and I have a gaming pc
thanks for reading
I am seconding this Post. It is hard to get around, and the site has issues running on multiple tabs. I have to use one tab for everything on this site which makes looking through things and reading slow.


Staff member
Resource Team
I'm on 20kbs internet, and it's loading fine for me. I've had no issues, and don't see anything wrong with it on my end. Have you both tried clearing your cache?


Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca
I'm on 20kbs internet, and it's loading fine for me. I've had no issues, and don't see anything wrong with it on my end. Have you both tried clearing your cache?
That wouldn't be the case because I am using a new laptop I only got a few months ago, I turn my laptop off everyday and EVERY WEBSITE ON THE NET I GO TO WORKS ABSOLUTELY FINE.


Dragon Goddess
you know what's really slow for me is the background chooser. it takes ages for me to choose a background and then it resets to the default whenever i close my browser :(


The backgrounds on the site really do slow me down, since I've been using them my load time is a lot longer since the background is very large and 1 MB. Maybe compressing the background images could help. People with weak internet like me could try to turn them off and see if it helps.


Ashelia B'nargin Dalmasca
yes that and using less stuff on the forum, like who uses all that, like i never click wiki, i never invite my friends, i never share on facebook or twitter, all that must slow down the forum a bunch...


Staff member
Choosing backgrounds 6 or 7 may help out. I have only 50 gigs of monthly bandwidth usage before being throttled, so I try to use backgrounds that require less total page loading.


yes that and using less stuff on the forum, like who uses all that, like i never click wiki, i never invite my friends, i never share on facebook or twitter, all that must slow down the forum a bunch...
If you use Firefox, there is a wonderful plugin to eliminate features on a website that you don't use. It does wonders for places like pixiv, Twitter, Facebook, and other ad heavy/unwanted features on sites.

Iron Croc

I eat my fries with fire.
I agree with OP. A 21 second loading time is unacceptable. This site is riddled with unnecessary features that bring the enjoyment level way down and the frustration factor way up.

OOT: Did you know that clicking on the thread link from the front page tkes me RIGHT BACK TO THE FRONT PAGE? It needs to be fixed.
OOT: Did you know that clicking on the thread link from the front page tkes me RIGHT BACK TO THE FRONT PAGE? It needs to be fixed.

No no no, If the webpage your trying to load takes too long to load it takes you to the homepage instead. and yes it needs to be fixed. so it's not out of topic, it still has to do with the loading time.


Staff member
Resource Team
I just ran an external speed test using a newyork server *I'm currently overseas, and don't have a problem*

We're not in the top 50% which is something I'll look into fixing. I'll install some cache cleaning features, and general addons to help improve things, I'm also updating Xenforo which should fix a few things as well. However, I have never experienced a
21 second loading time
so, I'm not entirely sure how to fix it if neither myself, or website tests can pick it up :/
upload_2016-3-30_1-44-58.png upload_2016-3-30_1-45-54.png upload_2016-3-30_1-46-23.png upload_2016-3-30_1-47-20.png upload_2016-3-30_1-48-52.png

Testying one location says nothing, its also apparent that other locations around the globe are not having the same success as you with this issue. I tested the site from all the available locations on the same website and a few options said it loaded 72% slower than most websites.
I leave for a few days to see if anything changes and I still have to use only one tab and have to wait a minute for each page to load.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
These issues aren't easy to pinpoint, this website runs fine on my computer and my mobile device, I myself have never had any complaint about the load times for each page, that and many other users don't have issues with it. The reason these problems are hard to solve is because it's only 2-3 people at a time having issues with the loading.


Staff member
Today, I have entered the "throttled" time of the month, and it is loading just as fast as the faster time of the month. Mainly videos and gaming sites slow down. This one is still loading normal for me.


Staff member
Resource Team
I'll scale down the images, and make them a lot smaller to save some loading times then. As for the JS, that's XF and I can't do to much about that. Thank you for this @Macro
With JS you can go into your forums host and find simpler Js plugins to replace the current ones. I cant describe in detail how to do that because I honestly have no clue what forum service you are using for this site, but Finding simpler JS plugins to replace some of the current ones would help greatly.

In my experience Simpler is better. This forum has a lot of... Cool but un-necessary features. which in turn also contribute to loading time. I feel like my computer is trying to load every page at once just to run one feature.

Try merging the Donate and premium tabs, they both have similar purposes and should thus be treated like one. If you can setup 2 pages for one feature, then surely one page can work just as well.

The resources tab is neat, I'll give it that at the very least, but In the aspect of traditional communities, perhaps you should consider turning back to people just using forum posts for their resources. It helps make the forum look more active, and it gives people something more to look at forum-wise. That Old timey RPG maker community kinda feel. (I'm from and RRR) The older forums were simple and made things easy to navigate, without too much stress forcing members to remember every detail of the site to find what they are looking for,

Useless Home Button: Get rid.

Ratings Given/Received: Two pages which should not have their own emphasis, Consider merging these pages as well to save space on the forums host and speed things up.

People you Follow/Ignore: Perhaps merge these and call it white list settings.

Account Upgrades: This can be managed with Donations and premium. another useless page.

Personally I don't think Badges needs it's own page, especially since members get to show them off at will on their profile. that should be enough.

Look into these possibilities to make the site more light weight and friendly for all users. Less pages and simpler features means easier loading and more interest by the users. And its usually easier on the eyes to have less going on at once in a page.