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The Sacred Blade Chronicles (Whatcha think so far?)

Well, I've been mulling over a couple different fantasy worlds and histories in my head over the last two years and in the last year I decided to make a game out of them. They were intended to be novels or short stories originally, but when I discovered the software RPG Maker, I knew it had to be here that I made them. By the way, greetings fellow gamers and nerds, nice to be a part of this lovely community. But, let's stay on topic here.

Here is linked tweet with the game cover:
The name of the game is "The Sacred Blade Chronicles" and that means that it chronicles the history of a pair of blades that guide the universe, so to speak. Most of this takes place in medieval times, so think 1200-1500. The sacred blades fit into two different genres of blades, which come and go in history as they please. The blades are known as the Order Blade, and the Chaos Blade, but depending on the time-frame, they will have different legacy names. So a Chaos Blade in 1390 may be called "Fyresabre" (just an example). But a Chaos Blade in 1332 may be called "Wyrmfeller". So the Sacred Blades have different names in different times because each blade signifies a different chronicle or time of conflict. These blades have been around since the dawn of time.

I've attached a tweet link with a lay of the land and the setting of this chronicle of the Sacred Blades here:
This land exists for the time-frame 1308-1345 and a little bit beyond (say, 1360). This chronicle of the Sacred Blades is called, "The Four Lordes"; these four lordes, Lorde James Elrond, Lorde Prague Valcutta, Lorde Edmund of the wildmen, and Emperor Ala Khal Dorr, rule the four corners of the world after the true King Max has died.

There is history there and for those who are curious I will also link a power point slide with the basic history of the entire Sacred Blade occurrences (this includes past chronicles and future chronicles).

But, otherwise, all you need to know is that there is a power void now and most of the Lordes see opportunity to seize land and power. This sets in motion Lorde Prague's victory in the Land of Eldrid, Elrond's land. And this is where this chronicle of the Sacred Blades takes place.

These are just some of the more important characters in this chronicle but there are many more than this, more than I'd care to list honestly.
Gaius is the main protagonist and a local towns guard. He was raised in the small, quaint town of Cheviot, Eldrid, where he learned to farm and forge.
Lord Prague is a sour man, sometimes still a boy in nature, but nonetheless, he rules the Eastern Snow lands of Solstheir after his father.
William Arthur Elrond is heir to the Elrond Crown. He is a brave young man, if a bit stubborn, but his lancing and combat skills are virtually unmatched by any swordsman in the lands of Eldrid.
Rio is an alchemist, a strange little man who follows no ruler but the rule of nature. Not only is he a man of peace, but he hides a mysterious past, and is docile in most manners and situations.
Simply known as "Falcon", Sasha co-commands the Raptors Guild, a guild of trained and deadly contract assassins and rogues. They take in anyone off the street that is looking for another chance at life. Sasha is the brother of Gale.
Gale is sister to Sasha, and Gale is known as "Hawk". She trains the grunts in covert tactics and helps with combat training, in addition to co-commanding the Raptors Guild with her brother.
Morgana is a wizard from a faraway land, called Sagewick. She came to the Four Corners in search of refuge, from the ongoing magist wars back home. She is a bit more nonchalant, calm and seductive.
In order, Sasha, Gale, Unknown, Unknown, TBA, Morgana, Rio, TBA:
Brom Germund is the general commander of the Elrond Royal Garrison. He also commands his own company of Mercenaries, loyal to him and the crown. He is a tough man, but a wise man too. He uses a blunt force strategy for most endeavors. He is also a very honest man.
Father Joseph is a high ranking Archpriest from the lands of Geneva; though, he now practices his prayers of light in a city in Eldrid. He is a most generous, humble man of the cross and a kind soul to many.
Bella is the princess of the Elrond Kingdom, and a rebellious one at that. While she is not necessarily a free spirit, she does have her dislikes to the lifestyle of a tamed princess in a sophisticated family.
Bella is the second image:
Emperor Ala Khal Dorr is the reigning Lorde of the Western Empire of Gold. Most people there wield the power of Essence, or magic, and are lavish with many pretty, shiny things in their desert markets and squares. Al Din_zpskxzgadoe.png
Like I said, there are many other characters, a lot of them, and these are just some highlights.

Now, the current plot is a very barebones one, and I intend to change a lot drastically, but it's listed here in the attachments as a Power Point Slide. Lots of text, you've been warned. Not only that, I remind you I've also attached the PPS of the entire history of the Sacred Blades as well (I will actually link these as PDFs). One of the things I haven't mentioned yet is the recurring theme: time-space and existence.

If you know me, you'll know how much I love medieval games and especially how I love the Dragons Dogma series. If you haven't played that game or it's prequel, it's a game about a dragon that scars your body and steals your heart, forcing you onto an adventure to retrieve your heart from the dragon. Without spoiling anything, I will say that the ending becomes very phantasmic, and use the theme of eternal existence to wrap up the post-game. With that in mind, I sought out to do something inspired by that, but also, I wanted to find a new angle on an RPG Maker Game, so that people don't look or play my game and think, "Eh, it's just another good vs evil RPG Maker Game". I have written this game specifically with this in mind, and the recurring theme will revolve around identity, and the idea of existence. So, when the player finally finishes my game, he should come away with a sense of enlightenment, or at least curiosity, into the nature of existence and you.

So that's one of the important themes. Most of this is Beta, and I will be sure to have more changes and additions and updates in the future. But for now, I'd like to know whatcha think so far? Would you play this game out of curiosity? Or does it seem another bad ploy or shoddy RPG Maker Game attempt?


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Your ideas are very intriguing! It sounds like you're on the right track with your plot ideas (and by the way, welcome to the community!)

I'm curious as to how each character would look. Their personalities almost convey an image in themselves. I was a bit confused with Sasha being a guy, though. (Not a big problem.)

Overall, looks great! I should have drafted my story like you did; I'm working through a writer's block on the second half of mine...

I look forward to hearing more from this. Keep it up!
Your ideas are very intriguing! It sounds like you're on the right track with your plot ideas (and by the way, welcome to the community!)

I'm curious as to how each character would look. Their personalities almost convey an image in themselves. I was a bit confused with Sasha being a guy, though. (Not a big problem.)

Overall, looks great! I should have drafted my story like you did; I'm working through a writer's block on the second half of mine...

I look forward to hearing more from this. Keep it up!
Sasha and Gale were always unique characters to me from the beginning. To me they always took on a special appearance, and as leaders of the Raptors Guild take on a look of their own, distinct from most other contract killers or sellswords. I will upload pictures shortly in an edited post, under the character spoilers. And thank you, I'm looking forward to releasing a Demo pretty soon, maybe in another four weeks, or five, if all goes well.