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The Rules (Read Before Posting)

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Staff member
Forum Rules:
If you see anyone breaking the rules, please notify an admin or a moderator by tagging one of us in the thread, reporting the post, or sending a private message.

1. No spamming.
This includes:
* Posting on old threads that can no longer provide any valuable discussion.
* Posting short 1-2 word responses that do not add to the discussion.
* Posting in languages other than English
* Linking to outside forums/businesses when it isn't called for.
* This link has an in-depth explanation of spamming.
2. No flaming/harrassing other members
* Avoid starting arguments with other users, or trolling excessively.
* If you feel that a user is treating you unfairly, contact a staff member for assistance.

3. Do not post illegal content:
* This includes requesting, discussing, or posting links/tutorials to torrents, rips, key-gens, cracks, and more. You will get banned for it.
4. Stay on topic:
* If you find your thread running off topic, consider starting a new thread regarding the derailing topic.
5. Keep adult content to a minimum:
* Swearing is fine, but try not to channel your inner sailor 24/7.
* Include a warning before posting materials involving excessive nudity, swearing, or drug references, etc.
6. Keep your signature under 300 pixels tall.

7. Contact a staff member before removing a topic:

* Outright deleting a topic can affect the badges/levels of other members, so please report your topic to be removed by a moderator.

If you have any questions regarding these rules, please contact a staff member.
If you have a suggestion post is HERE

Current staff:
@Xyphien, @MinisterJay, @sage @Cupara @kensonplays

@NovaRift @Juneberry
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Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
(I went ahead and reformatted the rules to be a little easier to read, and updated the staff list. *flies away* (cheeky) )
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