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The Adventures of Billy and Lilly


Since I am starting out and doing a lot of learning on RPG Maker, I figured a series of short games featuring recurring main characters would be a good way to start fleshing out a world and people while not holding myself to things I have no business holding myself to. That said, here are our heroes!

Billy: Age 10
A boy who dreams of becoming a hero, or maybe a pirate. Or maybe some combination of different things which he hasn't decided on yet. Also, his attacks have names like "Zoom Slash" and "Ultra Destroyer Sword!" (with the "!").
Wields: Sword, Shield

Lilly: Age 9
A girl who likes Billy, but can't really tell how. She also dreams of becoming a great heroine. And a mother. And the WORLD'S GREATEST COOK (but that's her secret).
Wields: Spear, Talisman

Since these are kids, their weapons actually consist of things they can actually get. Sticks, pipes, lids, trinkets, etc. Over time they will (hopefully) grow and age some, and move on to other things. Their adventures will involve monsters, just maybe not the ones adults think they are fighting off. They aim to be protectors of their village, and the best heroes they can be. With an upbeat attitude, a big imagination, and a little luck, who knows what all they will be able to accomplish!

PS: I will be starting off with stuff I can get stock (plus the bonuses), and move on and improve from there. If anyone is interested in playing/playtesting as things are finished, just let me know! I'd love to share their stories!

Let me know what you think! ^v^


Towns Guard
Sounds interesting lol I am interested to see how these characters develop.

Playtesting? Do you have a game already to test..?


No game to playtest yet. In the building stages of their first adventure. Chances are it won't be more than 20-30 minutes, but that's going to take me a while. I plan on putting updates & screenshots here as things move along though, so we'll see how it goes!