Indie Dev

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Thank you everyone


Staff member
Resource Team
Hello everyone, I'm here to simply say thank you so much to everyone who donated in support of the website. I understand I may have worded the original post in such a way that offended a few people, however knowing that, I hopefully have learned from it and will attempt to word any posts we may have in the future.

We received 127.00 USD (85%) of the funds needed for the hosting and it really helped me out.

To clear a few things up, the site is in no way, shape, or form struggling to stay up, nor do I struggle fully with paying the forum and all of it's addons. I was simply asking for assistance from the community in helping to pay off this payment.

I did mess up one thing when I made the original post. I said it was quad-yearly. After paying it I found out it is in fact Bi-Yearly. I do apologize for that.

To everyone who donated any amount I thank you so much for showing your dedication to helping out the site, and it was greatly appreciated. After paypal fee's it came out to $112 and some change, which enabled me to pay it off with ease, and allow me to focus on future events with the community :)

To everyone else who didn't donate, I thank you reguardless for your hardwork and dedication to make this site what it is today. Without you all we wouldn't have an amazing community, and have such amazing additions to the website!


Resident Dragon
I'm sorry I wasn't able to donate (yay for having to need to adult >.>) Glad to hear everything has worked out :)