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Text help please

I'm really new to making RPGs and MV is my first one so I'm going in blind on everything. I've watched many tutorials and they've helped a lot but my newest problem is small, and probably really easy to do. I can't figure out how to make items or NPCs say different things.
Click on a plant
"Oh a plant."
Click again
"Still just a plant."
Click again
"Why are you so fascinated by a plant?!"
And if you know how to make it loop the last thing I want to say, that'd be great too.
Like I said, pretty simple. If anyone could let me know how to do this, and tell me in a way a five year old could do it as I get confused easy, that would be great! Thank you in advance!!!


Praised Adventurer
@DestinyKitsuna ...

Ok, I'll have a go at this, but I'd encourage you to have a look at some of the tutorials which cover in more detail. Here we go, then...

On a Map, in a new Project, create an Event. Give the Event a Plant sprite. Set the Priority to 'Same as characters' and the Trigger to 'Action Button'. In the Contents window, create a new line, with a Text box saying "Oh, a plant.". Follow this with another line: Control Self Switch, set to 'A', On...
Create a New Event Page, set the Priority to 'Same as characters' and the Trigger to 'Action Button'., in the Conditions section, select Self Switch 'A' (the box should be ticked...). In Contents, create a first line with a Text Box, saying "Still just a plant.", followed by another line: Control Self Switch, set to 'B', On...
Create a New Event Page (so Page 3...), set the Priority to 'Same as characters' and the Trigger to 'Action Button'., in the Conditions section, select Self Switch 'B' (the box should be ticked...). In Contents, create a first line with a Text Box, saying "Why are you so fascinated by a plant..?" .
On the Map, have the Hero start the Game on this new Map, and Play-test the Map.

RM works by allowing the highest-numbered Event Page that has its conditions met to run, and only that Page. In our case, the Pages 2 and 3 do not have their conditions met (their Self Switches are both Off...). It's the Page 1 Event which will run, waiting for the Hero to trigger it. Once triggered, the Text Box will appear, then the Condition for Page 2 will be set. Now, Page 1 will no longer be active. The next trigger from the Hero will set off Page 2, its Text Box will show, and the Condition for Page 3 will be set. Now Page 2 will be ignored, as Page 3 is the highest-numbered Event Page with its Conditions met, and will await the next trigger, at which the 3rd Text box will show. Every trigger henceforth will show this same Text Box, as the Page 3 conditions are still met. The only way (in this simple example...) to reset would be to re-start the Game.
Does this help..?