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Tequila Crew and the Wrath of the Satanist Nerds (+Online Demo)

Which character did you/would you choose?


  • POL



  • TOMI




  • PAUL

Results are only viewable after voting.





Tequila Crew is somewhat of a "redemption" for me. I'm a Brazilian maker, and four years ago I have deployed a very, very bad comedy game, completely silly and with very ridiculous jokes. However, since I was young and so were my "fans", I got a lot of love and good feedback for the game. Now I realise it was a piece of garbage. Fast-forward four years and I have tried many different projects, experimented with all kinds of mechanics, and now finally decided to took upon a serious project, which is this one. With mechanics mixing my advanced eventing skills and plugins from the community, a story-driven narrative that changes itself based on choices, and silly jokes again but this time more mature and with actual sense, this is what I present you: Tequila Crew and the Wrath of the Satanist Nerds.​


You, one of nine playable characters, arrive at Pijaracuba Island, a very small island but rather famous due to its acclaimed university, Pervert Bunny College. There you meet Rosalina, a young girl full of energy and the will for adventure. Together you will make new friends (or enemies), explore the university and the island, get yourself involved in crazy adventures and enjoy the college life. Or will you? When an unknown and extremely weird threat rises from the underground, the Satanist Nerds who want to rule the world, can our heroes stop them or will they perish together at evil's hand? It's your story! Make it unfold with your own choices!​



Karam is a huge and strong guy. Such is his strenght that he always carries with himself a giant axe in case he needs to use for self-defense. Problem is: Karam hates violence. When possible, he always prefers to avoid it. His nickname used to be "Teddy Bear" due to his size and his peaceful and loveable nature. Although strong, Karam's aversion to violence affects his fighting skills.​


Pol is the gentleman of the group. His knowledge of tuxedos and fine clothing, his love for poetry and his gente personality make him very good with the ladies, and with anyone else, basically. Pol is what you could call "a man with a heart of gold". Completely against violence, Pol is the kind of guy who would split up a fight while blasting Elton John on a pair of speakers. Pol is also very intelligent, a factor that unlocks for him the highest number of special dialogue choices. He also seems to have a strong bond with Marcus, which is weird, since Pol is a gentle, kind-hearted man and Marcus is a psychotic prick.​


Devin is the big stoner of the group. He's the funniest Turkish man you'll ever meet; he loves to get high, he loves to be with his friends and drink beer and tequila, and he is extremely polite and friendly. Although he's not afraid to fight and will do it with rage in his eyes if needed, Devin prefers to avoid getting in trouble if possible.​


Tomi is the comic relief of the group. A boy always with a smile on his face and proud of his country, Hungary, Tomi is always happy and making jokes so silly and unfunny that they actually make everyone laugh. With a heart of gold, Tomi sure as hell doesn't like fighting, and is, probably, the most vulnerable of all characters when it comes to defensive skills. Tomi prefers to stay back and help his teammates with non-violent skills.


Marcus is the crazy motherfucker of the group. A prick, a violent psycho, and extremely volatile, he's as dangerous as he is loyal, as ironic as that sounds. Although Marcus is not afraid to kill or be killed to achieve his objectives, he is also not afraid of doing that for his friends. Marcus loves his friends more than anything else, as if they were his blood family. He loves trouble and he loves a good fight, although he does not pack the best of punches. Even if he's not the best fighter, however, Marcus is a black belt in using dirty, sick, and cruel tricks, which gives him some sort of high ground when in danger, such as using broken bottles, knives and all kinds of weapons to beat his way to victory.


Nicolas is the "sexy thing". Completely addicted to sex and human heat, a great fan of Marvin Gaye's music, and a sexy man by nature, Nicolas is a good friend and a great lover. Always wearing earrings and exotic things, dying his hair and questioning things of life with curiosity, Nicolas is a smart guy and knows how to handle himself if he needs to fight.


Leonardo is, simply, a crazy Brazilian. Always getting into trouble with others for minuscule reasons or no reason at all (mostly when he's drunk) and getting himself in all kinds of problems. He seems to go along very well with Marcus, since both are Brazilian and both love to get deep into chaos, no matter how dangerous it might be.


Sebastian is the German of the group. He's the living proof, at least most of the time, that the stereotype of Germans being cold-hearted/heartless is a lie. Well, at least almost always. Sometimes Sebastian is indeed a very cold man, not really caring about stuff at all when most people would break down crying. Sebastian is a great friend and an outstanding drinker, especially if you have German beer.


Paul is Sebastian's best friend. With two European nationalities (Spanish AND German), he's the most all-around character of the game. Paul is a funny man, although he doesn't speak much (except when with Sebastian). A lover of German beer and beautiful girls, he's always a good company to drink, play drinking games and try to hook up with hot girls.



Be them dialogue choices or huge dillemas at critical situations, you'll constantly be challenged to decide what to say or do. Dialogue options normally don't change story much but might reveal special information. Story dillemas might change completely the next mission, might determine the life or death of a character, might raise or lower your respect with your allies. Everything is connected!


The eight characters left after you choose yours will become your allies throughout the game. Each one of them will have a respect gauge; keep it high and they will treat you well and offer a hand whenever necessary. Bring it down and suffer the consequences of seeing your friends become your enemies in front of your eyes.


Tequila Crew has no Game Over. Losing a regular battle will make you wake up at the last accessed safe house (without money OR items), dying in a story encounter will make the game adapt and move the story forwards with consequences.


Choose at the beginning of the game one out of nine characters to control as your main. The game will change itself based on the chosen character, with personalized cutscenes for each, special dialogue choices, and others.


Courtesy of the member Silver, it shows your objectives and other useful info. Not available on the web demo.


Made completely with events, a day and night cycle that will affect the game world.





1. Galv

2. Hime

3. Hudell


5. Leviathan

6. PrimeHover

7. Quasi

8. Silver


1. MWolf


A demo is already available to play online! Showcasing the game mechanics and style, it's even worth two playthroughs with different characters to spot the differences!



Thank you very much for taking the time to check out my project! You're awesome! Please leave any feedback you want, as that helps me improve the game and make the experience enjoyable to as many people as possible. Thank you very much and see ya!​
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