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Team Socks: Sock Quest Recruitment

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LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
This thread has been a long time coming, at first I was only going to develop this game by myself with the help of an old member RiseEvil (who made the Sock battlers & busts for me) but now it's reached a point where if I don't get a bit of help or a team to bounce ideas off of, I'll be stuck and progress will be too slow for me.

This project started out as an inside joke with this community but as I progressed with the story I started to change things around to be semi-serious. The environment of the game has become unique in its own way and after not working on it for a few months, I have finally come back to it. When I first opened it up this morning and play tested the first 15minutes, I was amazed at the work I have put into this project and I got very excited because it had it's own theme and fun atmosphere that can't go unnoticed.

If you want to learn more about this project check out the original project thread here:

The main theme and story is as follows.
An ancient stone named “The Stone Of Ve” has been stolen from Sockland, a man from the land of Weoly gained access to this land somehow and has stolen the magical stone and brought it back with him. The Stone Of Ve has the capability of creating life in Sock Land, but in the land of Weoly it only has the ability to create life from fabric, unfortunately for Weoly, the abundance of socks is rather large and This man who stolen the stone did not hesitate to create life from the fabric the moment he returned, now there are socks running rampant all over the land.

You will play as Tyree Kinston(Sock Knight) who has no idea of his adventures to follow, he is a forest boy, born and raised by his two parents to survive in the forest. He has learned many skills, his parents trained him to be an expert in Identifying flora and fungus, along with combining potent ingredients to create strong elixirs and tonics but how will he handle a horde of socks?

Now, the main reason for this topic will be to gather some dedicated or semi-dedicated RM developers to help me out with my project. You don't need to be available 24/7, in fact, you can pretty much help out whenever you feel like it, I will simply assign you a job or give you a list of things that need to be done and you can do them in your own time and pick and choose what you'd like to do to help out.

Jobs Openings
Eventer: 1/2
-- Eventers wil be required to help with NPC's , Main/Side quests, and of course general mechanics of the game.

Database : 1/2
-- Most of the database is finished, but I still need someone to help with Skills, Enemies, balancing & of course animations.

Writer: 3/3
-- The story is still a work in progress, and though I have most of the first chapter completed, I will need general help with side quests, grammar, spelling, & personality of dialogue etc. As well as some people to bounce ideas off of, for motivation and inspiration.

Artists 0/2
--This one may be a tough one to fill, I understand the amount of work required for an artist to make sprites, & battlers etc. What I need in this department is Sprites, tileset editing, battlers, and re-work/ re-touching of current battlers/busts etc.

Musician 1/1
Create some amazing music for the projects world and characters, I love music and good music really brings the game world alive. When I develop games I'm very focused on atmosphere and nothing says atmosphere like music.

Organizer 1/2

I know, this usually is not on the list when recruiting but I have done enough project's over the last year to know that having someone looking at the project as a whole is a much-needed asset and is a big help to any project. Your duties will be to look at how the game progresses, the difficulty and balancing of the game. Does the story flesh out properly? is it too quick? too slow? You'll also be making sure everyone helping out with the project has jobs to do and no one is doing someone else's job. You will work with me on every step of the project, basically my conscious and motivator.

Beta Testers 4/4
Beta testers are required to look through every nook can cranny to find possible bugs, tile passability, and generally giving advice of the current state of the game.

Now, I don't have $ of any sort to give you but I do have a rather large skill set and am willing to offer you free support and help from me anytime you need it for any of your projects for as long as you help me out in my project. I can provide you with advice on techniques, mapping, eventing, plugins etc.

What I can do for you:
  • I can develop a plugin for you(depending on type and size)
  • I can give you help with your current plugins, including compatibility fixes.
  • I can make a "Forum Badge" to give you for simply helping me out with my project. (Still pending, need to ask @Xyphien, if this is okay
  • More to come. (Just need to think of what else I can offer)
If any of this sounds interesting to you, please leave a reply, you don't have to be a professional to help out, just need the motivation and some love sweat and tears to help out with a fun project, I promise you won't be disappointed.
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This thread has been a long time coming, at first I was only going to develop this game by myself with the help of an old member RiseEvil (who made the Sock battlers & busts for me) but now it's reached a point where if I don't get a bit of help or a team to bounce ideas off of, I'll be stuck and progress will be too slow for me.

This project started out as an inside joke with this community but as I progressed with the story I started to change things around to be semi-serious. The environment of the game has become unique in its own way and after not working on it for a few months, I have finally come back to it. When I first opened it up this morning and play tested the first 15minutes, I was amazed at the work I have put into this project and I got very excited because it had it's own theme and fun atmosphere that can't go unnoticed.

If you want to learn more about this project check out the original project thread here:

The main theme and story is as follows.
An ancient stone named “The Stone Of Ve” has been stolen from Sockland, a man from the land of Weoly gained access to this land somehow and has stolen the magical stone and brought it back with him. The Stone Of Ve has the capability of creating life in Sock Land, but in the land of Weoly it only has the ability to create life from fabric, unfortunately for Weoly, the abundance of socks is rather large and This man who stolen the stone did not hesitate to create life from the fabric the moment he returned, now there are socks running rampant all over the land.

You will play as Tyree Kinston(Sock Knight) who has no idea of his adventures to follow, he is a forest boy, born and raised by his two parents to survive in the forest. He has learned many skills, his parents trained him to be an expert in Identifying flora and fungus, along with combining potent ingredients to create strong elixirs and tonics but how will he handle a horde of socks?

Now, the main reason for this topic will be to gather some dedicated or semi-dedicated RM developers to help me out with my project. You don't need to be available 24/7, in fact, you can pretty much help out whenever you feel like it, I will simply assign you a job or give you a list of things that need to be done and you can do them in your own time and pick and choose what you'd like to do to help out.

Jobs Openings
Eventer: 0/2
-- Eventers wil be required to help with NPC's , Main/Side quests, and of course general mechanics of the game.

Database : 0/1
-- Most of the database is finished, but I still need someone to help with Skills, Enemies, balancing & of course animations.

Writer: 0/3
-- The story is still a work in progress, and though I have most of the first chapter completed, I will need general help with side quests, grammar, spelling, & personality of dialogue etc. As well as some people to bounce ideas off of, for motivation and inspiration.

Artists 0/2
--This one may be a tough one to fill, I understand the amount of work required for an artist to make sprites, & battlers etc. What I need in this department is Sprites, tileset editing, battlers, and re-work/ re-touching of current battlers/busts etc.

Organizer 0/2

I know, this usually is not on the list when recruiting but I have done enough project's over the last year to know that having someone looking at the project as a whole is a much-needed asset and is a big help to any project. Your duties will be to look at how the game progresses, the difficulty and balancing of the game. Does the story flesh out properly? is it too quick? too slow? You'll also be making sure everyone helping out with the project has jobs to do and no one is doing someone else's job. You will work with me on every step of the project, basically my conscious and motivator.

Beta Testers 2/4
Beta testers are required to look through every nook can cranny to find possible bugs, tile passability, and generally giving advice of the current state of the game.

Now, I don't have $ of any sort to give you but I do have a rather large skill set and am willing to offer you free support and help from me anytime you need it for any of your projects for as long as you help me out in my project. I can provide you with advice on techniques, mapping, eventing, plugins etc.

What I can do for you:
  • I can develop a plugin for you(depending on type and size)
  • I can give you help with your current plugins, including compatibility fixes.
  • I can make a "Forum Badge" to give you for simply helping me out with my project. (Still pending, need to ask @Xyphien, if this is okay
  • More to come. (Just need to think of what else I can offer)
If any of this sounds interesting to you, please leave a reply, you don't have to be a professional to help out, just need the motivation and some love sweat and tears to help out with a fun project, I promise you won't be disappointed.
I want to help and I don't need to be credited, because I don't know if I am that good, however I just started using aseprite yesterday and I start to get better at pixel art. I really, really wanna help, even if it is just a beta tester, I want to get involved in a community. I am starting school on august 8, and I might have some progress slowed down, but I want to try my hardest to help.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Hey, I'm glad you're interested, I've already had another member PM and hopefully, they want to help as well. I'm excited to get a team going, I really want people to see this game when it's complete. Anyway, I'm assuming you're becoming a pixel artist and even if you don't think you're good, you still deserve credit. I would love a pixel artist help out with the game, so, I'll send you a PM with further details.


Hey, I'm glad you're interested, I've already had another member PM and hopefully, they want to help as well. I'm excited to get a team going, I really want people to see this game when it's complete. Anyway, I'm assuming you're becoming a pixel artist and even if you don't think you're good, you still deserve credit. I would love a pixel artist help out with the game, so, I'll send you a PM with further details.
Thanks for giving me credits! I have a request right now and I am excited to work on both projects! (joking)


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Hihi as I said you can count on me~
I'm glad you came back to the project as it was a funny experience to betatest. I don't have enough time to pixel sprites for you (since I know it's too many and I need too long to make them). But I'd love to help some with the busts or when you have problems with eventing or mapping~
Although I can only start in three weeks since I don't got my laptop here and I'm on vacation :x But I wanna wish you good luck and I'm seeing forward to having that project rolling again <3


Hihi as I said you can count on me~
I'm glad you came back to the project as it was a funny experience to betatest. I don't have enough time to pixel sprites for you (since I know it's too many and I need too long to make them). But I'd love to help some with the busts or when you have problems with eventing or mapping~
Although I can only start in three weeks since I don't got my laptop here and I'm on vacation :x But I wanna wish you good luck and I'm seeing forward to having that project rolling again <3
Yay, Help!

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I'm glad you're interested in helping and being a part of the community @Akamizu , this project is a great way to get involved.
@Cunechan I'm really happy to see you're still interested in the project, I would love to have you be a part of the team, even if it's just for guidance or mapping etc. I do love your sprites but I can live without, your bust drawing skills are just as fantastic and should be another great asset for this project. I'll keep in touch with you and in 3 weeks I'll be sure to assign you some jobs to help me out with.

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
Alright, so now that I have most of this project organized and ready for a team I have noticed which areas need the most work and It's definitely in the writing department, I need help with it all, dialogue, main story, good item descriptions etc. I need a good creative writer that is willing to work with the general plot I have, the main focus does not have to be socks but "Inanimate Objects" anything from trees, water, earth, plants etc, which should open up more possibilities anyways. So if there are any writers out there that would like to help out with this project, please PM me or drop a reply.


Resident Dragon
I'm happy enough to beta test if you'd like LTN, along with writing (well, moreso, developing skills/descriptions, etc.) so feel free to hit me up if you want. :)

LTN Games

Master Mind
Resource Team
I'm happy enough to beta test if you'd like LTN, along with writing (well, moreso, developing skills/descriptions, etc.) so feel free to hit me up if you want. :)
Sounds great to me, I can use all the help I can get and testing and writing are on top of my list. I'll add you to the group PM and you can see where everything is. Welcome aboard :)
[doublepost=1473412706,1471220470][/doublepost]Hello everyone, I've been pretty happy with the amount of people who are interested in my project and I have a decent team starting to build but I'm still looking for a few more people to help out with this project to really get it off the ground. So if anyone is interested in being a part of a really friendly and fun team please PM me or leave a reply here.

Job Openings

Eventer: 1/2

Database : 1/2

Artists 0/2

Organizer 1/2
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