Indie Dev

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Tarris Hold


First off I know this is MV Forums, but was wondering if it would be ok if I posted what I'm working on, while being part of the community. I'm learning MV a bit more before I port this over.

RpgMaker VX

This is a TECH DEMO, basiacly a demo that only represent the TECH used within the game. Mainly for testing purposes this is a way for the developer to flesh out the engine and than apply the finish project with the created art work for the final product.
With this TECH DEMO's release I am asking for everyone to break it some way, some how. I have months of pain trying to get all these event systems, and script edits to work all together.

!!! WARNING !!!
With that said, I warn you to NOT take the scripts and try to use them with your projects, just on the fact that these are completely mutilated. I have sliced and enhanced almost EVERY script with my database. These are placed together, and in the order they need to be able to work properly, missing one script or placing it in the wrong area could severally alter the game completely. DON'T TOUCH THE SCRIPTS! Just a warning.

Images I care about a lot, 1/2 are from the community and should not be placed anywhere not asked of you. My personal images are very important, and wish not to be added ANYWHERE but here. Please do not take any images from this project without the proper Credits, as well as a Reply here letting me know what, and on what. What you are using, and what you are using it on.

I am being very vague about info on the counts that a lot is still being fleshed out as well as I don't wish to give any kind of Spoilers.​

Once there was a place that was filled with powerful magik, and people that worshiped it. There were grassy plains with amazing displays of creatures migrating and living their lives from day to day. There was a handful of people that were entrusted with the protection of this as well as guiding it. These people were very old and were given special gifts to allow long life and the ability to keep control of situations. Once the time comes they help others into taking their place to further on the process of saving the world.
Now, after a huge war between an awesome evil and the new protectors, the world has changed. In the process of trying to save the world Magik was completely drained and is now a flicker of fantasy in books and such. Each area had taken a huge hit from the battle as well as the draining. Though there are areas that are still green, most of the worlds landscapes how been barren or twisted.
With the disappearances of Magik and the protectors the world is now forced to deal with the evil ruler and the creatures that attack at night.
50 years after the War a group of people were able to recreate a form of "Magik" by creating a Alchemy type. With ingredients and such a person could create the same effect as Magik, not as strong or pure, but effective.

*NOTE* All this is subject to change! ALL of it, lol. Characters, images and story parts. For the most of it, story is basicaly the same.


There are a total of 15/16 characters that a re playable within the story, not counting the flashback characters.
There are A LOT more NPC type characters that will assist and live with you within the castle.

World is not as it used to be. Once a lushes green world filled with magik and bustling cities, is now a barren wasteland filled with evil creatures and twisted abominations.

Time Line

105 A.W.
Almost a hundred year after the war ravaged the land and turned it into a barren wasteland ruled by horrid creatures and abominations of land and monster.
A horrible enemy is reigning supreme with fear cloaking the world.

The initial time line was going to be:
Present [105A.W.] 1st game's time line. Trying to figure out what happen to the world and trying to find a way to help it.
Past [3E Y1205 B.W.] 2nd game's time line. This was going to be a prequal, story of your ancestors and how it became the world it is now. "Can't end well"
Future [200A.W.] 3rd game's time line. After going through both time lines it has became full circle and the time to right what as been wronged is now.

With the lack of time and such, I am forced to place all 3 of these time lines and throw them into one story.

Class system (Yanfly's SubClass) With ability options as well of special classes to draw magic from the monsters themselves.

Castle HQ system Earn a large castle and make it much more than it was.

Characters Age Your characters start off at a young age and as the story goes your characters age with the years passing like they should.

Synth system Create your items, armor, weapons, and even special skills.

Game Info Menus The game has many different menu type options that allow for following your story as well as feeding your grinding and collecting habit.

Custom Graphics/Script editing I have take years to combine special scripts that we not allowed together, along with editing each and every script to fit my needs graphically, as well as performance.

Event Systems I have created different systems throughout the game, from gathering materials, mini games, and a Day and Night with clock system. "Still working on"

ScreenShots long list
New home paralax



These links DO work, but these are so alpha compared to the latest build.
As is, there isn't even the same battle system anymore.
BUT it does have a good chunk of existing content.
[Download all parts and then just extract the Creates a folder, nothing is protected.]

Any bugs will be reported here.
Ethereal Viewer - after the timer hits zero the effects remain - FIXED


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