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Tales of Kandaria

Hello, everybody, this is Tales of Kandaria,

Every human has a soul, then the question is what about the monsters?
Usually, humans see the monsters as stupid creatures. Then if we give a soul to skeleton what would happen?
This game is about a skeleton which is weakest of the monsters. ınterestingly, he has a soul but has no memory of itself. Join him with his quest to find himself.
This game as still at the beginning of the development phase. I intend to finish it as fast as possible without sacrificing any aspect of the game. Game development will consist of 3 parts;

1-Chapter I (Born to Rule)
2-Chapter II(?)
3-Chapter III(?)

I have some interesting ideas and curies. What are u thinking about them? If you support me in my quest to make this game, I would be very happy. Every month there will be an updated version of the game, polls and lots of Illısturions.
Demo of the game can be found at the link below. I am very interest to know your comment about it.

For Windows;
For Mac;

Don't forget to share a comment
If you want to support me here is the link:



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Love the title screen, quite scary!

First thing I noticed, I think it is the 2nd or 3rd sentence in the game. You have "u" not you. You need to spell "you" and not write "u" I don't want
to be a grammar Nazi but it's right at the start.

This is my play through and thoughts while I was playing :)

I love the Picture of the crow.

Battle music is good and the skeleton battler is very nice!

I died on the 2nd battle... Let me try again and avoid enemy's :)

Met a jester and the picture is fantastic!

I like the music on the screen east.

My health potion missed me in battle and I died again :(

I killed the rats used health potions out of battle, got killed by the stone priest.

Tried again, rats killed me because I missed an attack.

It would be nice to able to save my game.

Well that was my first impression.

Over all I love your story line!
I like to play as the underdog and this is different, I like it!

The fighting was fun but a bit hard maybe give me more HP or let heal potions give more HP and don't have them miss.
Music is very good and the art work is really excellent! The crow the jester the menu all very very good and it really helps me get immersed in your game.

Keep up the good work, I will look forward to seeing more.

Well done so far!!! :D
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