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Taking some time off.

Bizarre Monkey

Right now I feel like my input is sorta useless, so I'm just gonna step off for a while.

Doubt I'll be able to stay away forever, but I have a lot to do currently, and I feel like I've seen this forum's true face, and it's not a very pretty one.

I've also shown some my true face, and it's probably even less pretty. Basically, it ain't pretty for me to be here right now, so I'm just gonna take a much needed vacation.

Farewell for now, my friends.


∠( ᐛ 」∠)_
Daww it's sad to see you leaving. Be safe and take the time you need , it's totally understandable with the current situation and the things which happened the last weeks/months. I don't think you've been mean or anything, it's just your way to express yourself and you don't lie or hide your own personality. And you're not useless, you're apart of the community like all of us here. Just don't worry too much. I think the forum itself is stuck in some kind of change and we don't know in which direction it is going to go now.
Hope to see you back soon though (aww)


Praised Adventurer
Well, this is a little unexpected, but I'm glad you left like this and not like you have been known to do before. It tells me you really haven't given up on this place. And don't worry, I'll talk a little bit more shit while you're away so the site doesn't get too soft. =)
Maybe I'll put @Biz in all of my posts, too, so when you get back you can drown in hundreds of pointless alerts. If you have email alerts on as well, that's just icing on the cake. ;)

I'll see you around, my silly simian friend.
I bounce in and out because of personal life (mostly positive though) taking over right now. I know what it's like to need a bit of time out. I've read many of your posts and you're definitely a bit of fresh air. Take all the time you need and see you when you return.


Staff member
Resource Team
Alright BM, I hope by your arrival everything is blown over, and everything's back to normal :D I hope you all the best, and good luck with all the stuff you're currently busy with :)

Bizarre Monkey

Well, this is a little unexpected, but I'm glad you left like this and not like you have been known to do before. It tells me you really haven't given up on this place. And don't worry, I'll talk a little bit more shit while you're away so the site doesn't get too soft. =)
Maybe I'll put @Biz in all of my posts, too, so when you get back you can drown in hundreds of pointless alerts. If you have email alerts on as well, that's just icing on the cake. ;)

I'll see you around, my silly simian friend.
Lol I've had alerts off from pretty much day one, I got popular way too quick and my gmail inbox was flooded with stuff and I was trying to make game, so I ended up turning most of my alerts off. It doesn't even show me alerts on site for that now, huhuhu.

I'm just dropping in a little, did a bit yesterday too despite being at school for 8 hours (not including an hour for lunch which is where I took the opportunity to post here and the 3 hours of travel time.)

Was sick most of last week with a bad flu which made facing this place like a parallel to sentient nightmare... I just decided to not.


Staff member
Cograts on winning the Writer Prompt Contest. Your badge and other prizes should be available to you in a few days. Hope you starting feeling better. :)

Bizarre Monkey

Ah okay! I actually found it in announcements which is where I should have looked, here I was checking the art, lit and music forums and stuff, oh dears!