Indie Dev

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Super Original Title Here


Like everyone else who has posted before me, I'm new! Good to meet you all, and I hope to learn a lot while I'm here :D

Also, what are the most needed plugins, character models, etc? What's your favorite thing from this site and what should I go download for my game?


Digital Artist
Staff member
Resource Team
Wow! What an original title!

Welcome to the forum, Knightmare - I hope you enjoy yourself here~

The most needed, hmmmm? I'd say character graphics at this point - not a lot of people work in MV style at the moment. I think a lot of the resources here are worth checking out, honestly. My favorite resources on the site are the audio and tileset sections at the moment. :D


Dragon Goddess
Like everyone else who has posted before me, I'm new! Good to meet you all, and I hope to learn a lot while I'm here :D

Also, what are the most needed plugins, character models, etc? What's your favorite thing from this site and what should I go download for my game?
Welcome Knight!

My favorite thing from this site... hmm, probably the helpful people! as for the other suggestions, I have no idea. I'm still using the base assets from MV. hope you find some cool stuff, though!

see you around ^^


Hello and welcome to RMMV! Hope you have fun and find what you are looking for here. ^_^

Basically, you get the plugins that you need, as you need them. Think of it as grabbing the right tool when you need it to do a specific operation.


Studious Dark Lord
Like everyone else who has posted before me, I'm new! Good to meet you all, and I hope to learn a lot while I'm here :D

Also, what are the most needed plugins, character models, etc? What's your favorite thing from this site and what should I go download for my game?
I feel like everything is equally needed, you can't have a game without one or the other... Anyways Welcome to the Forum!