Hello. Wize1 here talking about a subject he is very familiar with!
I wanted to share with you some techniques I use to help manage my stress.
I guess it hasn't gotten bad enough yet because I haven't gone to see a therapist or a doctor. :p
Breathing - If you research "Buteyko Method" , you will read about his method which in a nutshell is "breath retention" -- he believes we develop hyperventilation through unnatural events or circumstances of modern day life. His method is to consciously withold your breathing to balance chemistry in the lungs, blood, and brain. Like oxygen levels ,or blood sugar, or something like that I don't know the science. He was a doctor, though!
You can read more about him and his method here -
I have been practicing this method for about 3 months now and (im not sure if placebo effect) I admit this technique has helped me. It helped me with public speaking, dealing with anger at co-workers, and basically my health over all.
Also WALKING. I go for walks (no particular destination) about 5-10 minutes. You don't have to go a marathon. When problems overwhelm you, like money or family, just go for a walk for 10 minutes and see how your perspective changes.
Animals - Animals will help you become happy. Animals do not have humanly goals. They just exist. Try doing that sometime. Just exist and stop trying to conquer the world.
However, I am not dismissing medicine. Sometimes people need medicine. I am only trying to help you become healthier alternatively. Essentially homeopathic medicine (which is the belief that the body has the ability to heal itself)
I wanted to share with you some techniques I use to help manage my stress.
I guess it hasn't gotten bad enough yet because I haven't gone to see a therapist or a doctor. :p
Breathing - If you research "Buteyko Method" , you will read about his method which in a nutshell is "breath retention" -- he believes we develop hyperventilation through unnatural events or circumstances of modern day life. His method is to consciously withold your breathing to balance chemistry in the lungs, blood, and brain. Like oxygen levels ,or blood sugar, or something like that I don't know the science. He was a doctor, though!
You can read more about him and his method here -
I have been practicing this method for about 3 months now and (im not sure if placebo effect) I admit this technique has helped me. It helped me with public speaking, dealing with anger at co-workers, and basically my health over all.
Also WALKING. I go for walks (no particular destination) about 5-10 minutes. You don't have to go a marathon. When problems overwhelm you, like money or family, just go for a walk for 10 minutes and see how your perspective changes.
Animals - Animals will help you become happy. Animals do not have humanly goals. They just exist. Try doing that sometime. Just exist and stop trying to conquer the world.
However, I am not dismissing medicine. Sometimes people need medicine. I am only trying to help you become healthier alternatively. Essentially homeopathic medicine (which is the belief that the body has the ability to heal itself)