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Strangers of the Power 2

Who will you choose to be the main protagonist?

  • Samano

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Wilhelmine

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Slavia

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Hacathra

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Aurae

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Miwafin

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Michi

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • Bentley

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Tuomo L

Towns Guard


Strangers of the Power 2 is a sequel that seeks to improve and expand upon the formula of the original and help bring more of the same kind of a game that people got with the original. This topic, just like the game itself is WIP and will receive various updates.


The castle within the town of Cloudfall has been taken over by an evil demon. Prince Helios has offered a huge bounty to anyone who's able to clear his family's castle and restore order into town. It is your task, as an adventurer to help defeat this evil, bring peace and gain whatever it is that's driving your own personal motivations.


There are 8 playable characters to choose a 4 person party from, the storyline has variations based on who's the leader. Click the character's thumbnail to see them in a bigger resolution!


Samano is a Ronin who hears about the demon and wants to do this job of slaying the demon to bring honor and wealth to her fame.


Wilhelmina is a country girl who loves to fight, the stronger the opponent the better. She thinks of herself as the greatest demon hunter ever and wants to kill the demon to prove that right.


Slavia is a Sorceress who wants to capture the demon. She's not interested in money or fame, she just wants a plaything that she can torture for fun and no one will judge her, if it's an evil demon that she can use for her sadistic fun.


Hacatra is a cleric, as a spiritual and a follower of a light, she's by her very nature drawn towards the vanguish of the demon. She's not really interested in money or fame and feels that this is simply said, her duty to smite the evil.


Aurae is a hunter and a mercenary. She does help people for small moneys and volunteers to aid in destroying the demon, in exchange for some money.


Miwafin is a genie, who has received a wish about the demon's demise. While Miwafin is not the most powerful genie in the world, she is determined to fulfill the wish and end the demon's rampage, no matter what the cost.


Michi is a fun loving catgirl, who spends most of her time doing cat things, like scratching things and being lazy. However, she volunteers destroying the demon in exchange for all the milk that she can drink. (She can drink a lot of milk.)


Bentley is a pirate, who hears about the demon. This is no good for anyone and business would suffer, so she offers to get rid of the demon in exchange for gold and jewelry.


  • 8 playable characters to choose a 4 person party from
  • Playable classes; Samurai (Refined Strangers of the Power 1 Warrior), Sorcerer (Refined Strangers of the Power 1 Mage), Priest (NEW!), Warrior (NEW!), Martial Artist (NEW!), Genie (NEW!), Hunter (NEW!), Pirate (Refined Strangers of the Power 1 Rogue)
  • Leveled enemies for tougher gameplay, including more reason to back to town
  • Lengthier game
  • Alchemy
  • Custom rival system
  • Dynamic plot
  • Quest System

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Staff member
In 1982 and the next year, I played my favorite character. Her name was Jeno Fleer, and she was a Neutral good cleric. I guess that hints at who I chose. ;)

Tuomo L

Towns Guard
In 1982 and the next year, I played my favorite character. Her name was Jeno Fleer, and she was a Neutral good cleric. I guess that hints at who I chose. ;)
She's one of my personal favorites too, the fact that she can deal damage using her maces and with light magic later also means that she doesn't have to just waste time if no one needs healing or buffs.
[doublepost=1524304329,1522755775][/doublepost]I finished making the trailer! I hope you all like it!
